6 Hanging Vines

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Tess notices both Aiden and Hunter have been gone for a bit, suddenly Aiden comes out, catching his breath. He looks at Tess, crying.
"H-Hunter's Dead!"
Tess suddenly gets shocked
Aiden hugged Tess
"I was almost captured by someone.. b-but then I saw Hunter.. a-and it wasn't the killer.. I had seen it with my own eyes.. it- it was James!"
The two hug, both crying. Tess was crying the loudest, this attracted Kai and Ally, who were working on food.
Ally runs to Tess
"W-what's wrong?!"
Tess hugged Ally while Aiden cried
"H-Hunter is dead.."
Ally turns to Aiden shocked, he's dead?
"Shit.. we need to call a meeting right now.."
Tess sighs and seems annoyed
"No.. every meeting we hold fails, it's best if we just.. stay away. The killer is likely one of us.. no matter how we look at it."
Kai sighs, he hugged Tess
"I feel your spirits drifting for you to do something, whatever it is, only do what makes you happy."
Tess sighs, if only he knew.
"Know what? Nevermind, we probably should call a meeting."
Ally smiles
"I'll gather everyone.."
Aiden turns to Tess
"We should go, ya know.. to the meeting room..?"
Tess smiles at Aiden weakly
"Of course.. We still have to send that search party for Karol.."
Everyone sighs in sadness, knowing Karol had went missing when Connor was dead, Rosa might know who killed him, due to how she acted. However everyone knew, Karol might just be the killer.

At the meeting everyone was there, however, Oliver noticed Aiden suffered a wound
Oliver looks at Aiden worried
"Aiden! Are you okay?! What happened?!"
Aiden sighs and showed a pretty bad wound to the neck, it was a grip mark that clawed some skin off, likely from James
"I went to visit the confessional, where James was.. with Tess.. and- and.. he Sprung to life, and.. he jumped on me.."
Everyone looked shocked, Riya ran out of the room and came back with some bandages and wrapped it around Aiden's neck. Aiden flinched in pain
"Ow- R-Riya!"
Riya looks at Aiden
"What?! This is unhealthy! Your wound could get infected!"
Aiden scoffs
"It's not even bleeding anymore I'm fine.."
This leads to Kai and Rosa to laugh, Rosa smiles at Aiden
"Aiden, how about we talk? Ok?"
Aiden looks at Rosa with a piercing glare before nodding, they walk out of the room.

Tess walks into the forest, she had a plan, but when she grabbed the vine, she saw Aiden, hanging from a Tree, she runs to him, his arm was cut off, but he was breathing. He was just surrounded by vines. Suddenly one of the vines move out of nowhere and impaled Tess multiple times. They were near the Swamp Witch. She tries to Go for Aiden but he wakes up and runs, why did Rosa tie him up here?! He has to escape! Suddenly, Aiden was stopped by Marcus. He pushed Aiden towards the swamp witch, Aiden was shocked, he was stabbed in the stomach. Suddenly something snapped in him, After all that happened and this was the end?
Aiden escaped the swamp witch's grasp, he was angry. He won't let it end like this! He runs to the camp Tess and Hunter were, god he missed them.. he grabbed some mud and moss, he didn't care anymore. He hated them! He hated them all! They didn't deserve his pity. Not after everything they did, no one will care if he just disappeared. Rosa had betrayed him and she was the last friend he had left, and then Tess died! He won't do this anymore, his main target? Kristal and Marcus.

Oliver and Kai decided to take a small walk, they treated each other like siblings, probably since they were pretty good friends now.. the situation allowed them to bond. They see Tess, dead. Oliver jumps onto Kai screaming.
The duo run away, noticing Aiden's arm tangled in one of the vines.

Victim 6: Tess
Wandering Aiden

Kristal, you know Tess is the safest spirit right now
However she's connected to another person
That person your not sure if he's alive, but he wants you dead.
Just make sure not to go by the shack nearby
And don't touch the vines
They are owned by her
She doesn't like her possessions to be touched
And as soon as she screams
He will arrive to clean the mess
The mess that you made.
It's quite the pact, really.
They were friends since high school
Of course they are working together to take you down
Your like your father, Kristal.
It's no wonder they hate you.
You left them all to die.

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