12 its over..?

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Karol continued to hide under the cabin, she sees Tess peak her head under
"Hey, Karol?"
Karol looked at Tess, confused
Tess smiled
"You won, but there is 1 more player.. I'm pretty sure that Aiden won't kill you"
Karol looked shocked, she carefully got out of her hiding place, she slowly walked to the cabins, as she is walking she sees Kai just wondering, dead.
"He really did kill them.. Damn.."
She walked to the beach, where it all started, she spotted Aiden, Aiden just smiled at her
"Well, looks like it's over, you may leave, now.."
Karol sighed
"I'm not leaving."
Aiden looked shocked
"Why not? I mean.. why stay with me? I'm a murderer.."
Karol sighed
"Well, I won't leave until Krystal is dead. That's my only goal now, are you willing to help me?"
Aiden smiled
"One final kill, oh, this will be fun!"


The bus arrived, slowly Krystal comes off the bus, with her is a police officer, they had called a member of the police force to go undercover if she or his boss doesn't come back.  Krystal sighed
"Well, Don, this is it.. I can't believe I left.. I should have taken them with me.. what was I thinking?? I feel like my dad! And I hate him!"
Don looked at Krystal and hugged her
"I know, but we have to do this, you are not Dad, you will survive this! I promise."
Krystal broke into tears and hugged Don, soon she pulled away, whipping her tears away, she sighed.
"We should.. enter the camp.. If anything happens to me, run."
Don nodded and they entered the camp.


James.. Connor.. Maggy.. Yul.. Lake.. Hunter.. Tess.. Rosa Maria.. Riya.. Oliver.. Nina.. Marcus.. Ally.. Kai..

All of them, are victims of this massacre..
However, their deaths will be avenged, partially.


Karol stumbled towards Krystal and Don
"How dare you come back?! After what you caused?!"
Krystal sighed
"Karol, I'm sorry, I panicked!"
Karol scoffed
"Well, I'm looking for Aiden, he should be alive.. mind if I tag along with you guys so we can find him?"
Krystal nodded, and off they went.


They walk towards a series of vines, Karol grabbed Krystal's hand before she touched one
"Don't touch them, if you make Tess scream, Aiden will come, but.. in a bad way, trust me."
Krystal looked around shocked
"But they are moving everywhere!"
Karol sighed
"That's the point, it's a challenge, your going to discover each and every body. See the consequences of your actions."
Krystal sighed
"Do I really have to?"
Don looked terrified
"Krystal I think we do, we have to at least give them closure.."
Soon they go deeper into the swamp, finding Lake, nailed and crucified. With her wig at her feet. Karol sighed
"Just don't go close to her, ok? That's what was said in the notes."
Krystal nods, all while they made sure not to step on any vines.
They arrive at a tree, Rosa was horribly Mutilated on that tree. Krystal gasped in shock
"Oh god!"
Karol yells
"Don't look-"
Rosa's head looked into Krystal's eyes, she then let out a call. Karol sighs
"In her eyes.."
They hear noises from countless directions, all going for Krystal, Karol grabbed Krystal's hand and ran with her, Don tried to catch up, but was pinned down, he screamed as he was horribly disfigured by Hunter. Karol and Krystal hid in a bush until Rosa's call stopped and everyone returned to their spots.
Karol didn't even console Krystal as she cried
"This is your fault, you know."
Krystal sobbed
"I know! I've been trying to make a difference in myself, but when I try I get punished!"
Karol sighs
"Why don't you go into a cabin and rest, I don't care, just make sure if Marcus and Nina are in there that you DON'T SEPARATE THEM!!! It's in a note."
Krystal nods


After Krystal took her rest, they got back to exploring to find Aiden, they find a hole, curious, Krystal looked down, Maggy and Yul were there, immediately Karol pushed her down.
"Hey what was that for!"
Karol yelled back
"You have to touch both of their heads before you leave, it's a rule!"
Krystal noticed another person there.. Kai.
"Uhhh what do I do when Kai is here?"
Karol's eyes widened
Krystal tapped Maggy and Yul in the head then ran, Kai followed her, crawling pretty fast, Krystal ran into a building, she sees Connor
"Oh shit! Please don't hurt me!"
Connor smiles at Krystal
"Don't worry, Krystal, I won't harm you! But.. just don't go near the vents.. Ally won't let anyone go near.."
Krystal sighed
"Alright.. I have to go, Kai is hunting me down.."
Connor waved goodbye before Krystal ran, she practically sprinted.


Krystal reached the stage, she was scared out of her mind, she didn't realize she was very lucky. She found Riya, that was when Karol found Krystal
"Krystal! Take a pin quickly!"
Krystal was shocked
"Isn't that rude?!"
Karol looked serious
"Just take one!"
Krystal took a pin and went back to Karol
"What was that about?"
Karol sighed
"Another rule."
Krystal sighed
"Only 2 bodies left to find, then we can finally find Aiden, and I know where James is, I saw it on the cameras.. but I couldn't catch the killer due to static.."
Karol scoffed
"Listen I don't like you, but no one deserves death."
Krystal nodded, understanding why Karol hates her.


Soon they arrive near the confessional, Hunter was there, Krystal gasped
"That's cruel.."
Karol sighed
"I agree, but there was no preventing this, it was one of the few ghost kills.."
Karol walked towards the confessional, but it was a trap! Her leg got caught on a snare
"SHIT!! Krystal! Quickly open the door!"
Krystal rushed to open the door to the confessional, She sees both Aiden and James, and Aiden was holding a gun
"Sayonara, Krystal!"
Aiden laughed as he shot Krystal in the head, his body was almost fully green, it was almost over, Karol was stuck in Hunter's web, and he was gonna die anyways, due to his soul binding to Tess, he hugged James
"I wish it was different, I mean.. the whole reason I did this was to cure my pain.. but, it's all for nothing.."
James ripped the tape off his mouth and kissed Aiden
"Hey, at least we will be together for eternity, right?"
The two share a kiss as Aiden became a walking corpse


The assassin walked to the prison, they had to find the two people she needed. And there she found them, Derek and Trevor. They smiled
"Hey, You may have done what you done, but I'm willing to bail the two of you out, only under the conditions that you both host a reunion for the Season 1 cast, keep my identity anonymous, got it?"
Derek looked sceptical
"How do we know your not tricking us? You literally have no money"
The assassin smiles
"All of your bail and funding for the reunion will be paid for by a friend of mine, now, do we have a deal?"
Trevor looked at Derek
"Derek do we even have a choice?! They serve broccoli on pizza! Monsters they are!"
Derek sighed
"Fine, deal, in a year we will host it at the original site, okay?"
The assassin shook Derek's hand
"Fine by me.. I have an old friend I need to visit."

END!!! There will be another book after this btw!

Word count: 1269

The Disventure Massacre (Disventure camp S2 x IOTS)Where stories live. Discover now