5 Scouting

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After finding Lake, Rosa and Riya hosted a meeting, they needed new groups since there were 8 people left. One by one everyone walks in, except for Karol and Lake of course, since no one could find Karol and Lake was dead.
Hunter seems confused
"Where's Lake? Wasn't she with you and Rosa, Riya?"
Riya sighs
"Lake is dead, me and Rosa found her at the swamp an hour ago.. After we had a fight.."
Everyone slowly cry, however Aiden cried the most, he just became best friends with her! How could this happen?!
"No.. NO!! Why Lake?! WHY?!"
Tess comforts Aiden, it seems they became quite close.
"It's okay, Aiden.. it wasn't your fault.." Tess turns to everyone, she sighs "we're going to be in pairs now, being an even number is good, since we can cover more ground."
Kai chimes in, he was shocked
"I don't think that's a good idea, shouldn't we stick together?! There is 8 people left. We can split in groups of 4! The killer could be one of us!"
Oliver nods
"Kai is right, plus, your idea just got one of us killed, Tess-"
Tess breaks down
"That's enough! I'm not in the best state of mind.." Tess teared up, Hunter speaks up
"Someone stole Tess' medication, her suicidal thoughts are skyrocketing.."
Ally is shocked and hugged Tess
"Don't worry, me, Hunter, and Aiden will be here.. by your side.."
Tess cries as she hugged them

The group decide they should all stay at the cabin, Aiden gets up from his chair, he decided to go to the confessional but is stopped by Tess, who had saw him get up
"Where are you going, Aiden?"
Aiden sighs
"I'm going to the confessional.. I wanted to see James.. just.. one last time.."
Aiden cries a bit, this was quite emotional for him, it's been 2 weeks since the killings started, of course it was going to be scary for him.
Tess smiles
"How about I go with you? For safety reasons.. of course!"
Aiden smiles at Tess
"Of course you can.."

When they open the door to the confessional, there James was, still taped up to the wall, as if he was crucified, with tape covering his mouth and nose, his eyes are still open, weird.. Aiden teared up
"I miss him.. if I had been able to.. See what he was planning to do.. maybe this wouldn't have happened.. it should have been me.."
Tess hugged Aiden
"I know your upset, but we will get out of here someday, let's not leave on a sad note.."
Suddenly small humming, coming from the tape was heard. It was a short, sinister, hum.
Tess gets confused and takes the tape off James' mouth. The man suddenly looked up at Tess, then looked at Aiden, he tried getting up, screaming. As if It's all he had to do. Tess ran, but Aiden just stayed, in pure fear, he didn't expect them to be vengeful, he thought-
Suddenly James had gotten the tape off his arms and jumped at Aiden, blood coming out of his mouth..
James tried to attack Aiden, however suddenly someone dragged Aiden away, Aiden tries to get the person to let go of him, he wanted to hug James, Aiden screams
However his pleas, they are shown to deaf ears.

Hunter decides to go and gather some food, suddenly the sociopath comes from behind and tackled him.
"You will make great.."
Suddenly Hunter bit the sociopath's neck, he ran nearby the confessional, that was his downfall. James was already on edge, however seeing hunter with blood on his mouth, he made him think that he harmed someone, well he was right, but for the wrong reason. James tacked Hunter. His cold hands dug into hunters body, Hunter was being mauled, Hunter kicked and screamed, but to no avail, soon Hunter had became a work of art, James shifted Hunter's body. Soon the Sociopath arrived, after seeing Hunter, he was shocked
"Damn.. I guess I was right.. ghosts are no joke.."
Marcus had come from behind
"We meet again.."
The sociopath turns around, he was a bit pissed
"And you dragged me away for what exactly?"
Marcus smiles
"I just wanted to give you something for my safety."
He hands the sociopath $500. The sociopath is quite shocked
"Fine, for now your safe."
Marcus and the sociopath shake hands, however.. this won't last..

Victim 5: Hunter
Always check your surroundings, Kristal.
You never know..
You'll never know when he is watching
His faceless head darting at you.
Just Watch your step
He set traps everywhere.
If you get caught
He may just add you onto his web.

6 down 5 to go.

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