10 Having Fun

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"48... 49... 50."
Aiden (the sociopath) smiles as he skipped his way across the area, he needed to find everyone soon, the winner of this game, they would survive this massacre.


Ally runs, she knew Aiden was the killer but she still felt that he had a heart! She found a burning building, she remembers that this is where Karol said she was trapped in, so she walked in, and encountered Connor's ghost
"Sup, Ally"
Ally looked shocked
"Connor?! Wait.." Ally remembers rule 2, to not let Connor be aware that he's dead "hey Connor, I'm just playing hide and seek, would you mind if I hid in here?"
Connor smiled
"Of course you can! In fact, I know the perfect hiding place!"
Connor brought Ally to a small vent grate
"Just squish yourself in here, I'll hide too just incase!"
Ally smiled
"Thank you, Connor!"
Connor smiled
"No problem, kiddo!"


Kai ran as fast as he could, he found the hole Yul and Maggy were killed in and crawled down. Yul seems annoyed
"Ugh, let me guess, you guys finally figured it out?"
Kai nodded
"Yeah, and we have to play a deadly game of hide and seek, Aiden is kinda insane.."
Maggy just nods, she pointed with her bones to a small cover, it could barely cover Kai. Yul scoffed
"Just don't sneeze and you'll be good."


Karol ran, she was nervous about this, she then saw Hunter, realizing James was nearby she accidentally spoke
"oh shit-"
the confessional door opened and Karol immediately sprinted, but so did James. She hid in the house near the swamp, she noticed Lake and Tess
Lake looked at Karol
"What the hell?! Another sacrifice?"
Karol sighs
"Can I hide here? Aiden is out for blood"
Tess sighed
"Lake no." She turned to Karol "listen, just don't step on the vines and you'll be okay, and don't get too close to Lake. Hide under the cabin."
Karol nodded and did so


NO DEATHS HERE AHAHAHAA!!! I have school so I'm starting to make things shorter :(

Word count: 346

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