7 Silent Lavender

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Before Kai and Oliver found Tess' body and Aiden's torn arm, Ally walked in the woods, alone. She noticed Aiden sitting alone near the water
"Huh? Aiden are you okay?"
Aiden slowly turned around
"Get.. away from me.. NOW!!"
Ally was shocked and she tried to comfort him
"Aiden..? If you need any help I can-"
Aiden immediately pushed her away with his one arm, that's when she saw.. dark green eyes?
Aiden was being hypnotized by the Swamp Witch, probably because of him snapping.
Ally runs to try and tell the others, however Aiden stopped her, he hugged her
"Don't go.. stay.. and I'll show where Karol is."
Ally was shocked, wasn't Karol likely dead? Soon she nods and the two of them go deep in the woods.

With the others Oliver sighs
"Tess is dead, and we found Aiden's arm, I think he's dead too.."
Everyone gets shocked before Rosa sighs
"Guys, there is something I've been keeping from you all.. it's been for awhile now.."
Everyone looks at Rosa, confused
"It's.. about the Killer.. the killer is-"
Suddenly Aiden and Ally barged in, Aiden gasping for breath as he regained control over himself
Everyone hugged Aiden, being so happy he's back, all except Rosa, who was skeptical on this.
Kai was crying a bit
"Aiden! W-What happened?!"
Aiden smiles
"That's.. the thing.. when Rosa went to talk to me, she accused me of being the killer and knocked me out with tranquilizer.. I woke up to the ghost of Lake.. I remember going insane for a bit, that's when I blacked out, I woke up with Ally and I walking, I don't remember much.."
Everyone looked at Rosa in shock, immediately Rosa tried to defend herself
"I did it to protect you all! He's the Killer!"
Kai interrupted Rosa, he was pissed
"Rosa! Why would Aiden lie to us?!"
Rosa gets angry
"Why would I lie to you all?!"
Everyone goes silent, not knowing who to believe.
Oliver breaks the silence
"Aiden is right, he told us first."
Riya chimes in
"I found Rosa tied up! It can't be her!"
Kai sighs
"Guys I can't believe I'm saying this.. but Aiden's aura is more sinister here"
Ally just goes next to Aiden and hugs him
Aiden smiles at Ally and turns to Rosa
"If you don't believe me, that's fine. We will just separate into two groups."
Rosa immediately panicked
"No! He will just kill one of you again! Please believe me AIDEN IS THE KILLER!!!"
Kai sighs not sure who to believe anymore, they both had negative energy
"I.. I'm sorry Rosa, and I'm sorry Aiden, but splitting up will be good to narrow down who the killer is, it's best if you two separate for now.."
Aiden sighs, he was pretty calm, but clearly anger was inside
"I agree, get this crazy whore of a woman away from me."
Rosa goes to attack Aiden but was held back by Kai and Riya then dragged away

An hour later Rosa goes into the woods with a camera, just so somehow, she can catch Aiden killing someone and show everyone as evidence, mainly so she and the others could burn him alive like a witch, as she smiles at the fantasy she accidentally stepped on a vine, she was confused for a moment then pulled out a small knife to cut any vines that come her way, and so she cut her way through some vines. However those weren't ordinary vines.. those were Tess' vines.. and so a scream was heard.

Ally was comforting Aiden and Oliver when they heard a blood curtailing scream. Suddenly Aiden jolted and held his head, his eyes flickering from their normal minty green to a dark forest green. He suddenly got up. Ally tried to stop him but he shoved her away and ran into the woods.

Aiden ran until he found Rosa, he tackled her, he had a sharpened stick in his hand. He immediately attacked her, and so he did.
Rosa screamed
However it fell on deaf ears, Aiden brings the injured Rosa to the swamp and draws this pentagram of some sort with Rosa's blood, he then placed Rosa onto it, he and Tess gathered around the spot. Soon Tess wrapped vines around the spot, a part of Aiden's skin turned a pale green. Rosa had to be sacrificed. She broke the rules. She hurt Tess. And so she paid dearly. Lake's ghost went inside Rosa, slowly tearing her apart from inside to out. As Rosa clawed at the vines, screaming, and crying, she thought of her daughter..

Sofia.. poor Sofia...
She would lose her only mother
She would become and orphan..
All because her mom signed up for reality tv..

Ally ran for hours, trying to look for Aiden.. she stumbled across something nailed onto a tree, it was Rosa, she looked like a scattered and ripped spider web, blood was pouring everywhere and her bones were ripped as well, it was awful..
Suddenly Aiden arrived, rubbing his head
"W-what happened..?"
Ally looks at Aiden
"That's what I'm wondering!!"


Victim 7 Rosa Maria

Walk in the woods, Kristal
You'll see a torn woman
Just don't look into her eyes
She will know, she's a mother after all.
She can see your pain
And she can see how much of a monster you have become.
She wants vengeance
However wont hurt you
She will just alert the others.

8 down, 3 to go

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