8 Runway

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Aiden was breathing heavy, he faints, Ally catches him, she noticed his arm was green-ish blue.. that's not normal. She carried him back to camp after seeing Rosa's corpse.

After awhile Kai got a bit worried then spotted Ally carrying Aiden
"Ally! What happened to Aiden?!"
Ally was crying
"Rosa is dead! Aiden isunconscious and his hand is a shade of green or blue! Look!"
Kai sees Aiden's hand, it was turning green, he checks Aiden's arm.. a chain was on it
"It looks like Aiden is bound to a spirit.. there's nothing we can do, he's stuck here because he can't leave the spirit binding."
Ally covered her mouth
"Sprit binding? Is that even a thing?!"
Kai nods
"Yeah.. it's when someone dies near someone who almost died, then swore to the person who died's cause. Causing the two souls to bind together."
Aiden wakes up
"What? Soul b-binding?"
Kai panicked a bit
"Ah! Aiden! You scared me.. I'm so sorry if you heard that.."
Aiden looked at Kai
"So.. I am bound to Tess now?"
Kai seems confused
"What do you mean?"
Aiden sighs
"I kind of.. snapped after Lake's spirit killed Tess.. swearing to get revenge.. and- and then I felt my arm hurt.."
Ally teared up
"So.. when I found you, Tess had full control of you?"
Aiden nods
"Yeah, she did.. but you snapped me out of it.."
Ally starts crying and hugged Aiden, she just made a new friend! She didn't want to lose someone close to her again, never again! Not like hunter, not like Tess..

'You should end it.'
'End it all, you'll be with them again'
'No.. no! Aiden and Kai need me, and so does everyone else!'
'They won't care when your gone, you'll just be another name on a list'


"Ally are you okay?"
Ally looked up, then just hugged Aiden tightly
"If your staying here, so am I, I won't lose anyone I care about again! This includes you and Kai."
Aiden is shocked
Ally looked at Aiden
"I'll get food for everyone, okay?"
Kai goes to them
"Sorry to interrupt, but we are gonna have a meeting at the cabin, Oliver called it.."


Oliver looks at everyone, he sighs when he sees Rosa isn't there, poor girl.
"Since Rosa is dead, it's safe to assume a ghost killed her, she might have broken a rule here.."
Riya interrupted, she was confused
"A rule? Wait.. so the ghosts are implementing rules?!"
Oliver nods
"Yes, I found these nots, we just have to see which they belong to, but.. there's one thing that confuses me."
Oliver pulled out one of the notes, it was called "Wandering Traveler"
"This note says we don't know if they are alive, meaning this "wandering traveler" person might be one of us."
Kai, Ally, and Aiden stay silent, thats until Kai spoke up
"Aiden, you can reveal your arm, no one will judge.. I sense it in everyone's souls."
Aiden slowly nods, revealing his sleeve, a light green mark is spreading all over his arm. Oliver looked shocked
"Jesus! I'm confused now.."
Riya stepped back
"Is Aiden actually dead and is a zombie like in the movies?!-"
Ally slapped Riya
"Get it together woman! He's being taken over by Lake's ghost!"
Oliver covered his mouth
"So.. what does this mean?!"
Aiden sighed
"It means I can't leave.."
Oliver sighs
"It's something new with you everyday.. I swear to fucking god!"
Riya stepped back
"Wait.. I think Rosa was right.. Aiden might actually be the killer, think about it! He's the only one out of all of us who had a chance to kill everyone!"
Ally slapped Riya again
"No! I barely know him, but I saw that look on his eyes, he can't be the killer!"
Riya scoffed
"Oh please! Ever since Hunter and Tess died you got soft, it's no wonder your likely gonna die next, if you don't your likely working with the killer!"
Ally seemed offended
"Shut up! A fucking cockroach would actually have a better chance of getting a lead role in a movie then you!"
Riya immediately got angry
"Oh you little-"
Oliver immediately stepped in the way
"Enough! Let's just stay in the cabins again! Clearly camping isn't working."
Kai nods
"I agree.. I have a feeling this will end horribly if we stay in the tents any longer.. but we should keep them up just incase."
They all get in their beds and go to sleep

The sociopath smiles, they needed to kill more people fast! Before the police arrive, before Krystal has them arrested. The sociopath, gets a set of drugs and inserts them in Riya's neck, they then drag her to the stage (since they aren't strong enough to carry the woman) and tie her up to the wall in a fashionable position.
Riya slowly wakes up, immediately struggling at her restraints
"Let me go! Right now! I know it's you, Ally! Your too upset with me so you wanna kill me?! Everyone will know your the killer!"
The sociopath grins
"I'm sorry, but I can't have you disrespect anyone with that mouth.."
The sociopath grabs a sewing kit
"Say ahh! It will be the last thing you ever say with that dirty mouth of yours."
Riya gets scared and shifts back
"Wait.. A- AHHHHHHH!!!!"


Oliver slowly wakes up, he checks everyone's bed, he noticed Ally and Riya were missing, and immediately woke Aiden up
"Aiden, wake up!"
Aiden groans, the green has spread to his eye, turning it red
"What's going on?"
Oliver stepped back
"For one.. YOUR EYE IS RED!!! And.. and for two, Ally and Riya are missing.."
Aiden immediately ran to the mirror, after seeing patches of his skin green, and his eye red, he held himself
"We have to find Ally and Riya.."
Oliver then woke Kai up
"Kai? Kai!"
Kai opened his eyes and rises up (vampire style)
"What is it, Oliver?"
Oliver looked at Kai
"Ally and Riya are missing"
Aiden chimed in
"And the green is spreading on my body!"
Oliver nodded
"We have to look for them"
Aiden chimed in again
"And I have to find a way to get this-"
Oliver slapped Aiden
"SHUT UP AIDEN!! Anyways we have to look for them!"

They go to the stage.. they find Ally covered in blood, and on the stage.. they see Riya. She had her mouth closed shut with stitches and pins, and she was put in a fashion pose, on the runway. They find a note. All about it.

Victim 8: Riya

Kristal, do you see her?
She's beautiful, isn't she?
Feel her skin.
You have to take a pin
Keep it with you, just as a souvenir
Who knows?
Maybe it will save you one day?
Or not.
Just make sure you take a pin
Or she will force some on your mouth.

9 down, 2 to go.


Word count: 1189.

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