9 revealed

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After finding Riya's body, Oliver immediately suspected it was Ally, after all, she was right at the body. He taps Ally awake
"Ally?! Ally!"
Ally slowly woke up
"Huh? What's going on?"
Aiden looked at her
"Why are you covered in.. b-blood?"
Ally sighs
"I don't know.. but hey! There's another note- HOLLY SHIT RIYA IS DEAD?!"
Oliver slapped Ally
"Did you kill her?! Did you??"
Ally seemed shocked
"No! What do you mean?!"
Oliver was angry
"We should tie her up! At least no one else would die!!"
Aiden was shocked
"No! We are NOT tying Ally up! Even if she's the killer she's my friend! I won't let you!"
Kai stepped in between Aiden and Oliver
"Oliver, I think of you as a brother, but you need to calm down now."
Oliver snapped at Kai
"How can I calm down?! This sociopath killed everyone we ever trusted!! How can we trust her again?!"
Aiden slapped Oliver
"That's enough Oliver! Your being way to violent! The killer could be framing Ally you never know!"
Oliver then punched Aiden in the face, the two of them got into a fist fight, Oliver ended up winning of course, as Aiden wasn't as strong.
"Get off my back, Aiden!"
Aiden coughed up blood, causing Kai to panic
"Shit! Oliver what the fuck is wrong with you?!"
Kai's hair went down, shit was about to get real ugly
"Kai calm down!"
Kai punched Oliver rapidly, he was sick of this!
"That is enough! Your being a child, we have to stick together, there is only 4 people left dude! And Karol is missing-"
Suddenly someone walked towards them, they immediately think it's the sociopath, due to the figure being masked
Kai pulled out a gun
"Who are you?!"
The masked figure takes off their mask, it's Karol!
"Oh will you quit your yammering?! It's me, Karol."
Everyone was shocked, immediately Aiden started sweating
"So, why leave for so long?!"
Karol scoffed
"Oh spare me, Aiden! Your the one who locked me into that shed, I almost died!"
Kai looked at Aiden in shock
Aiden looked at Kai
"I didn't do that! She's lying!"
Karol sighed
"Yes you did! You made me choose between Connor and Rosa to die, it appears Rosa didn't do her job and tell you all so I will. Aiden is a cold blooded killer, the only killing us all."
Ally stared at Karol
"What?! No way, Aiden wouldn't do that! Right Aiden?!"
Aiden had his head onto the ground, Ally got worried
Aiden starts laughing
"Oh wow! I knew this day would come, but to be honest, I need to get blown away from this heat! This is so funny!"
Ally stepped back from Aiden
"So.. your the killer?! After everything?! I thought of you as a friend!!"
Aiden snapped at Ally
"Oh please, "friend?!" Ha! You never thought of me as a friend when I was fucking bullied by MAJORITY of the people I killed! James even embarrassed me in front of the whole school! But I never wanted to kill him, but I had to kill someone before they eliminated Karol."
Kai frowned
"Aiden, I don't remember that.."
Aiden got angry
"Can you please SHUT THE FUCK UP KAI?! You don't know ANYTHING about my past! But since I was offered to kill?! I just had to accept!!"
Oliver snapped again and tried to attack Aiden, however Aiden was stronger then he thought, as he had training, he didn't expose this as his identity would be revealed, but now it doesn't matter anymore.
"You are all so weak! It was so easy to kill majority of you! But I don't need majority. Because only ONE of you gets to live."
Aiden slammed a rock onto Oliver, crushing his skull, he repeated this process with Kai trying to stop him, but it was too late, Oliver was now dead, Aiden got off Oliver, smiling
"I'm gonna have so much fun.."
Everyone immediately ran, all in different directions.
Aiden smiled
"Ohhh you all want to play hide and seek?! That's fine.. 1... 2..."

Victim 9: Oliver

Do you feel any pity, Krystal?
These poor people
They died under your guidance
It's your fault
You'll see your intern!
He's "alive!"
Don't go to him
He may forgive you, but that doesn't mean he will be friendly
Let him finish his work
Though he will be working forever.

10 down, 1 to go.

The Disventure Massacre (Disventure camp S2 x IOTS)Where stories live. Discover now