2 Decaying soul

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After Riya told everyone what she saw, everyone immediately started to panic, Aiden started to cry but Connor comforted him, after Riya convinced him  that age was a virtue, he started to act like his age to the others. After everyone confirmed James had died, soon Rosa was getting scared, they were gonna die here! She had a child to feed and protect, she couldn't die here.
Maggy noticed Rosa looking down
"Rosa, are you okay?"
Rosa looks down, then back at Maggy
"No! This is scary, there's a killer and Krystal abandoned us! I have a daughter!"
Maggy comforts Rosa
"It's okay Rosa, we will survive this, as long as I'm here, you won't be harmed.."
Rosa and Maggy hug, soon Lake joined in, as she wanted to protect her alliance too, even if the game is over

The sociopath had set their eyes on two targets, Rosa Maria and Connor, they wanted to pack a punch to them. So, in the middle of the night, they kidnapped 3 people. Karol, Connor, and Rosa Maria. Karol had two buttons

When Karol woke up she was confused, however when she saw Rosa and Connor inside glass chambers, she was shocked and scared.
"What is this?!"
The sociopath comes from behind, smiling as Karol recognized him
"Wait- ########### is that-"
"Shhhh... as you can see there is two buttons. Press one, and the room will open, while the other room will set ablaze. You have to choose who lives, and who dies. No one can hear you, they won't know what you did. If you try and tell a soul who I am, I will kill you, got it?"
Karol stays silent
"Fine.. I'll choose.."
Karol pressed the button to the left, setting Rosa free, while Connor was burnt alive, he screamed as slowly he melted until he was just ash and burnt bones. She runs back to camp and told everyone what had happened, but lied that she couldn't choose so the killer choose for her, killing Connor, causing Riya to cry, Kai and Hunter comforted her

Victim 2: Connor
Keep him unaware
Krystal you don't really feel pity, do you?
Connor doesn't even know what happened
He thinks he's still alive
But he's not, he's trapped
And so if you find him
Keep him unaware of the situation
He will immediately blame you
Don't tell him he's dead
Don't tell him who killed him
Just stay silent
Maybe give him something
He just wants to know if Riya is ok

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