11 Hide and Seek

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Aiden walked around the island near the "safe spots" first, aka the spots with no ghosts nearby. He checked the cabin
"Hello! Is anyone in here..?"
Aiden looked under one of the beds, he found Nina who was left behind, he smiled
"I guess I have to make use of you!"
Nina looked at Aiden
"You wouldn't hurt a lady would you?"
Aiden smiled
"Oh yes I would."
Aiden smashed Nina against the bed frame multiple times, all while Nina screamed, Marcus ran in but he was too late
Marcus scowled at Aiden
"You little brat, I gave you a chance, now your gonna die!"
Aiden looked at Marcus, Aiden was covered in the doll's blood, he smiled
"Oh! Why don't you try, Marcus?"
Marcus goes in to punch Aiden in the face, Aiden caught the punch and held Marcus down
"Aha! Your just way too weak, even that doll was stronger to kill then you."
Aiden used an axe and decapitated Marcus


Victim 10: Nina
Victim 11: Marcus

Don't separate them, Krystal
They may be dead but can still pack a punch
Just don't separate the father daughter soul bond
They need their peace
Slowly you'll watch them
They'll make sure you can't separate them


Ally stayed in the vent, she had brought some snacks and a couple of her Nintendo switches with her, once again Connor looked at her
"Can I join you?"
Ally looked at him
"How can you play when-" Ally caught herself "when last time you broke one of them?"
Connor chuckled
"Ah that's true, so anyways, who are you hiding from?"
Ally sighed
"Aiden, I thought he was my friend, he ended up being the one to kill James, and now he's hunting all of us.."
Connor looked shocked
"Aiden huh? Why is he doing this?"
Ally sighs again
"He said majority of the people he killed were connected to his bullying, but I don't think you had anything to do with that"
Connor looked shocked
"Wait what do you mean? Why would you think I had something to do with that?"
Ally covered her mouth
Connor sighed
"It's fine, sorry that I overreacted"
Ally smiled, thanking the lord that Connor didn't catch on
"Thanks. Your very nice, Connor, even after what happened your still good to us.."
Connor looked confused
"What do you mean "what happened?" Is there something your not telling me?"
Ally had her eyes widened
"Oh! Uhhh I-"
Connor started to get a bit angry
"What happened, Ally?"
Ally sighed, knowing there was no way out of this
Connor suddenly morphed and deformed, he looked like a cursed spirit, immediately he attacked Ally, Ally screamed, it was loud enough the whole island could hear.


Victim 12: Ally
Krystal whatever you do, don't go near the vent.
You can look inside of it, yes..
But don't go near that vent.
Even if you need to if you accidentally it told Connor
Just don't go near the vent
She will snatch you..
And when she does you'll be her next game
She will love her new entertainment.


Kai heard the scream
"Looks like Ally has been caught, or she broke a rule.."
Yul sighed, when he saw Aiden all the way up nearby he smirked, Maggy used her bones to shake a 'don't you dare' at Yul, but Yul hated Kai
"Oh Aiden~ come down here, Kai is in here!!"
Kai immediately got angry
Aiden smiled as he walked into the hole, knife in hand
"Hello, Kai~"
Kai sighed and pulled out his knife
"I won't go down without a fight!"
Aiden's smiles
"Oh Kai, I love a good fight, shame it won't last.."
Kai runs to Aiden to stab him, but Aiden moved out of the way, using Kai's momentum against him, taking Kai's knife, Aiden starts absolutely butchering Kai
"You thought you could beat me?! Wow your stupid!"
Kai had been mutilated to beyond human form

Victim 13: Kai
Krystal, no matter where you are
And where you hide
He will be following both you and his killer
You will die
So will he
You will suffer for the crimes that he commited
Your a coward, Krystal
You left them all to die.

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