New Life? (2)

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Aylee watched in horror at the TV screen, her father really was.. gonna be executed? That couldn't happen! He was all she had, even if he was evil! Who cares? She took a look at herself in the mirror
"I look like a mess.. I definitely don't belong"
She gets a text from Lake? She slowly opened it.
'My parents saw the news that your father is a criminal, they think your a bad influence on me, please don't contact me again.'
Aylee started crying, Lake abandoned her at that crucial moment in her life?! She needed her the most! She texted Tess
'Can we talk?'
'If this is about your father I don't want to hear it.'
'No! It's Lake!'
'Did she break contact with you?'
'Well, good.'
'Yeah, Sorry, Ay, but after that, I can't really be seen with you, I'm already on my depression meds, and if I forget you, which is a side effect of the pill, it will hurt more! I don't want you to be hurt. I'm sorry'
'Tess please no! Tess?'
*this user has blocked you.*

Poor girl.. everyone has left her, all because of her father's mistakes.

Aylee gets a letter from someone. "Meet me nearby where disventure camp Season 1 took place. I'll be there."

"You made it."
Aylee is confused
"Your that one guy, Jensen, right? Didn't you die?!"
Jensen smiled
"No, I lived, everyone thinks I died though."
Aylee smiles
"Well, it's kind of nice to meet you in person."
Jensen looked at Aylee
"Let's make a deal."


Two people stood at the warehouse, they were finally finished their training
The first one, known as "assassin" looked at the second one, also known as "sociopath"
"So, what do you think Jensen will want us to do?"
The sociopath looked at The assassin
"Well, he did promise me a new life"
The assassin laughed
"I was promised money. Oh, by the way, I love your hair!"
The sociopath laughed
"Oh, thank you, I just cut it, I felt it was.. me.."
The assassin looked at The Sociopath
"Honestly, you look like a girl!"
The Sociopath scoffed
"And you look like the average bully victim"
The assassin gets angry
"Oh you-"
Jensen then walked in
"Silence! Here's the plan. Sociopath, You are to audition for disventure camp, your pretty old to that program since you already auditioned as your persona once, but we're denied."
The Sociopath rolled his eyes
"Didn't have to remind me!"
The Assassin looked at The Sociopath smiling
"At least I got accepted my first try!"
The Sociopath scoffed at The Assassin
"Shut up.."
Jensen slapped his ruler against the table, immediately sending the assassin and the sociopath straight.
"Back to what I was saying. Sociopath, your mission is to only leave 1 person alive. But if you get soul bound, say this line after 5 days. 'I need to get blown away from this heat.'"
The sociopath smiled
"Yes sir!"
Jensen continues, but Aylee didn't get much out of it.. oh! I guess I should say Aiden, since that's who Aylee is.

Word count: 520

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