Liam and Alma: Wedding

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It was good to be home again. Seeing my dad and uncle Henry was more exciting than I had thought it would be. I had missed them both so much.

Sara and I have been traveling around the world for the past seven years. It's been quite the journey. I've been a freelance photographer while she's been working on her newest book that is releasing in a few days.

I proposed to her in the middle of nowhere on a beautiful mountain, in Norway of all places. That was two years ago, we had no plans of going home then. It was actually quite spontaneous decision to go back to America.

Both of us had gotten job offers in New York. Sara as an editor for her dream company and I for one of the biggest photographer companies in the world. When we found out that we, or Sara was pregnant a month ago we decided to move back. It seemed like the perfect timing.

Then we started to plan our wedding that will happen in three weeks. We wanted to get the wedding over with before the stress of parenthood started and Sara had a wish of not showing to much in her wedding dress.

"Did Alma want to be one of my bridesmaids?" Sara was excited about all the planning that needed to be done before the wedding.

The first thing she told me when I purposed was that Alma was going to be her maid of honor. When I told her that she might be a little to young for that responsibility she said that she was going to be the number one bridesmaid.

"I'll have to ask her again tomorrow. We asked her just as you two sent the message and she didn't get to answer before Martin and I were out the door." Henry laughed from the drivers seat.

"Where is, Alma?" I had made up a few scenarios in my head on how the reunion with the girl would be.

The first scenario was me coming out of the security with open arms while she ran towards me to give me the biggest welcoming hug. I liked that scenario.

The second scenario was the one I didn't like. It was me coming towards Alma with a big smile ready to get a hug. But in this scenario she was too shy to even look up at me and Sara. I could see her hiding away from me behind Henry, while he told me "it's been so long, let her warm up to you". That one I hated. She have never been shy in front of me.

I'm happy the second one didn't occur, however I'm a little sad that the first one didn't happen, and extremely bummed about her not being here at all.

Henry laughed a little uncomfortable at my question. In fact he only laughed, he didn't answer me.

Dad stepped up to answer instead. "We forgot her at home." He said. Slightly cringing at the word 'forgot'.

"How do you forget someone?" Sara chuckled at my dads response.

"We thought she was right behind us when we walked out of the apartment. Turns out she wasn't. An hour into the drive we found out that she was still at home." Henry explained. I couldn't help but laugh at that. Henry had always been protective of Alma. The last time I saw her she wasn't even aloud to open the front door.

I can't imagine Henry being so calm after leaving her home alone.

"That's why you're driving thirty kilometers over the speed limit." I joked. But he took it as a hint and slowed down a little.

It's probably selfish, but I'm kind of happy that they forgot her. Her not being here now doesn't hurt as much as it would've if she didn't want come.

As the hours went by we arrived quickly at my home town. We decided to drop Henry of first before dad took his place in the drivers seat and drove home.

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