Iris: the truth

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Iris thought it was funny how the officer thought it was okay to talk to her that way. This was the perfect timing to show how she wanted to be treated especially in her own home.

"With all due respect—" Jordan knitted his brows as he studied the officer sitting in his living room talking down to his little sister. He didn't get to say much before he surprisingly was interrupted by his sister's harsh tone.

"I'm fully aware and I understand the rules you as a police officer have set to 'protect' minors as much as possible. What I'm not understanding nor tolerating is the way you just talked to me and downgraded me because of my age. You're a guest in this house. I live here, this is my home. You'll do great remembering that." Iris sat calmly on the couch. She looked relaxed as she scolded the older man, he was old enough to be her grandfather.

Jordan's eyebrows had gone from knitted to raised. Everyone else seemed taken aback by the young girl's response. It was the best response anyone could've mustered up. This was a new side to the little girl they had known all her life.

Luca took himself in pinching his arm. He was wondering if he was dreaming. This was a completely different Iris than the one that was cuddled up to her oldest brother only ten minutes ago.

The room was silent for a long time. It seemed like longer than it was. Elena, Nick and Rob looked back and forth on Iris's brothers, while the brothers all looked at Iris. Iris's eyes where piercing the officer who had a tint of red covering his face.

The silence was interrupted with a clearing of a throat. Jasmine rose from her chair. Her smiley eyes met Iris. "Let's go somewhere else." Jasmine said as she bobbed her head in the direction of the hallway.

Jordan snapped out of his shock when he heard Jasmine talk. He stood at the exact same time as Iris stood up. He put his hand on Iris's back before leading her out of the room following Jasmin. They walked past the stairs that lead up to Iris bedroom and into a big open space that was their kitchen.

"Are you okay?" Jordan asked as he cupped Iris cheeks in both his hands. His face covered in concern.

Iris pushed his arms away and brushed of his concern. That made him even more concerned. "I just don't like when people treat me like I'm not worthy of their time and truth just because I'm under eighteen. That's not fair and I bet you would've reacted the same way if he was talking like that to you." Iris defended.

"Of course I would. If he talked like that to me I would've kicked him face first out of this house. I was about to do it before you interrupted me." Iris smiled as he thought about her brother literally throwing an old man out of their house.

"Thanks... but some battles are mine to fight. This was one of them. You've always fought them for me. It's my turn to do it know." Iris told her brother. She leaned into his chest to hug him. Jordan accepted the hug, squeezing her tightly.

"I'm immensely proud of you, mini me" he told her before he let go. He gave her a small smile before he made his way out of the kitchen, towards the living room.

Iris watched him walk out of the kitchen. When he was no we're in sight she turned around to face Jasmine who had sat down on a chair, with her elbows placed on the dinner table.

She supported a big smile as she gestured for Iris to join her at the table. Iris sat down so she could look at Jasmine as she talked.

Iris was always the one who was to young to be apart of meetings like the one that was going on in the living room. It had happened three times before. Jasmine was always there to bring her out of the situation. It had been a while since the last time. Six years to be exact. She was ten at that point.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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