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"You have a sister?" Julia turned around to ask her boyfriend. She was confused. After dating her boyfriend for seven years she found it wired that he and his brothers had a sister she didn't know existed.

Alex looked guilty. "Yes, we do." He Confirmed.

"Am I the only one who didn't know this?" Julia locked eyes with her sister-in-law, Mira. She too looked just as surprised.

"I didn't either." A frown adorned her face as she turned to her boyfriend, Ben.

"Is there a reason to why none of us have heard of your sister?" The last in-law asked. His name was Daniel. Usually a playful and witty man, who now seemed more annoyed than happy an witty.

The brothers, Alex, Ben and Noah felt bad for keeping this from them. They never knew how to start the conversation about their sister. They postponed it so much that it never happened. Until to now.

The truth of why their sister wasn't living with them wasn't something they liked people they didn't trust one hundred percent to know about. That was based on earlier experiences.

"As you all know, our parents wasn't the greatest. When the fourth child was born, our sister. They lost interest in everything that had something with us, their children, to do." Alex explained. He continued to tell the story to his sister and brother in-law. Hoping they would understand why they hadn't been told about their younger sister.

Alexs parents had not one parental bone in them. They did provide with what ever the children needed in form of money, that helped them into collage so they could start their own life's, separate from them. What they didn't provide their children was love and stability. They were semi present up until the youngest was born, after the birth all responsibilities fell on Alex.

It started with small things, one of them being the mother and father forgetting to change the little one's diapers and clothes. Then it went over to them forgetting to feed her. That's when the brothers stepped in. At that time she was about four months. Alex had just turned sixteen, Ben was fifteen and Noah was thirteen.

The neglect their parents showed got worse. By the time their sister turned five Alex had tried several times to get custody of her. Even if the parents had only seen her a handful of times since she turned four, due to their 'busy' schedules, they wouldn't let Alex get custody of her.

After he tried and failed several times again and again. His parents became angry with him. Seeing how much the brothers cared for the little girl, they sent her away to boarding school. None of the siblings got to know what the name of the school was or its whereabouts.

It wasn't regular for the sister to come visit them after she left. The siblings had seen her maybe once or twice a year since she was five, even more irregular when she turned fourteen and wanted to do her own things.

Luckily for the brothers, their sister had gotten curious to why things were so different compared to everyone in her class. She saw her classmates leave to visit their families every holiday or weekend, while she was left behind at the school with a teacher who didn't want to be there as much as herself.

When she came home for Christmas, the year she turned twelve she started asking questions. Her brothers answered them as good as they could. They had in mind that she was still a child, and there wasn't every detail she needed to know. The brothers made a big deal out of how much they loved her, and told her nonstop that she was loved beyond measure. Even if she didn't have the parents to show it, she had her brothers.

The brothers were lucky enough to get their little sister a phone behind their parents back. This made it easier for them to keep in touch. Since then they had at least two monthly phone calls, some shorter than others, but at least the brothers tried.

"Poor child." Julia had moved over to her boyfriend while he was telling the story of their sister. She was leaning against Alex. He found comfort in holding her close to him.

Julia is a child psychologist with a passion. She felt sorry for every child who got unlucky with their parents. Children who had to suffer because their parents didn't know how to deal with their own crap.

Daniel and Mira had also switched places and was sitting beside their boyfriends. Noah appreciated the tender touch Daniel occasionally offered him.

Mira was half way on bens lap, Ben needed Mira there to be grounded. He had so much hate and rage towards their parents for sending an innocent five year old girl away from everything she knew, because of jealousy.

Daniel cleared his throat, gaining the attention of the room. "Is there a reason to why you guys are telling us this now?" He was carful not to word it the wrong way. Yes he felt sympathy for the family, but why now?

"Yes." Ben clarified. Short and simple.

Noah scoffed at his brother. "We don't know why, but our parents agreed to give Alex custody over Melody. Which means she's coming here for the summer." Noah elaborated.

"That's amazing!" Mira sang out. "And Melody! What a beautiful name!" She got excited over these kind of things. She always got a little to excited. "I can't wait to meet her! We're so going to befriend her. A little sister is always what I've wanted!" She beamed at her boyfriend.

Ben chuckled at her. "I really hope that." He kissed her adoringly on the cheek.

"But..." Alex hated to be the one to ruin a good time, but he had to. "We aren't sure how she will react to all of you."

A knowingly sigh left Julia. "Have she met any of your other spouses?" She looked at the brothers. They gave her a curt nod each. "I'm guessing that didn't go so well?"

"Right." Noah confirmed. "We have all had at least one girlfriend before, we introduced them to her and she didn't like it. She got extremely poss—" Noah didn't get to finish his sentence before he was interrupted by his older brother.

"Possessive isn't the right word, Noah." Alex reprimanded. "She got a little too attached to us. We couldn't leave her for a minute without her starting to cry or throwing a fit." Alex explained.

"And now you're afraid she will react the same way as she did then." Mira said, more to confirm her thoughts.

"Yes." Alex nodded. "She was much younger the last time, but we want to take it slow for her. Being away from school and the adults she's known most of her life will be a challenge."

"No need to say anything. We understand. If I know you all, I'm guessing you guys told us this the last minute and we have to leave now to not meet her in the door." Daniel brightened up the mood with his poor, but realistic joke.

"Almost." Noah chuckled. "She's gonna send a message when she's boarding the plane. She wasn't sure if her plane got cancelled because of some fog. We still have some time before you have to go."

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