Everleigh: The car

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A man stumbled down the street. Even tho it was quite early he had managed to get drunk.

Grieving his baby boy and wife's life is the hardest thing he ever had to encounter. He was zoned out. Nothing around him got his attention.

All he had to do was get to his car that he vaguely remember to have parked next to a big stadium of some sort.

He can remember having driven past it many times with his son. He had to look it up to see that the stadium actually belonged to a collage and that it was originally a football stadium.

As he fumbled to get out his car keys something got his attention. It was the only thing that had managed to get him out of his state since he started drinking last night. The sound made him feel sober again.

Low almost impossible to hear, but he heard. It was whimpering, like a child's whimper.

His eyes followed the sound. It landed upon a stroller. Still drunk, he failed to noticed the people who was playing just a hundred meters away from stroller.

He walked towards it and looked inside. What he saw made his heart beat fast. Who could leave a sleeping child all alone?

The intoxicated man lifted the sleeping girl out of the stroller. His focus was solemnly on her. He walked back to his car. He got himself and the small girl situated.

"Ben!" Chris yelled at the top of his lungs. He pointed towards a red Toyota and a man who held Everleigh in his arms.

Both men dropped everything they had and ran towards the pair.

"Hey!" Ben tried to get the man's attention but it didn't work. They wasn't far away, but it seemed like several miles, why hadn't he reached them yet?

"Hey!" He tried again. The man didn't react.

When Chris and Ben could almost touch the car it sped away. Ben saw his sleeping baby sister in the back seat.

The car headed on with full speed, almost hitting people and curbs in the process, but the man kept driving.

"No, no, no, no." Ben muttered to himself. He frustrated grabbed his hair and pulled it. What was he supposed to do now?

Chris had been thinking quickly, he had jumped on his motorcycle and was driving after the red Toyota while Ben was feeling useless talking to the 911 operator.

Chris had been lucky. He could spot the red Toyota. He sped up.

Just as he thought he could reach it a railroad crossing was spotted right before them. The red Toyota didn't seem to have any plans of stopping, neither did the train that was coming in high speed.

Chris had to look away. He knew this was not going to end well. When the train passed the railroad crossing the Toyota driven by an intoxicated man was inches away from not making it over.

Luckily they did.

Chris watched as the long train passed him. He thanked god that the car made it, but was mad that he was now going to lose sight of them.

When the train had passed there was no sight of the car. Chris continued to drive. He was going to find Everleigh.

Seconds turned into minutes and minutes into an hour. He wondered how they could've gotten so far away in just a matter of minutes.

The driver must have sped up.

The longer he drove the more he lost his faith that he was going to find her.

Chris was ready to turn around, right after the one sharp turn a few meters in front of him. A deep sigh left his mouth as he passed the turn. He didn't know what he expected. Maybe to see the red Toyota. But he didn't.

Instead he saw something that got his attention. He saw blue light flaring from a white ambulance.

Normally he wouldn't have been this curious, but his guts told him to check out what had happened.

Chris drove with low speed towards the targeted destination. He couldn't risk being sent away.

When he got closer he saw something that made his blood run cold. He was of his motorcycle faster then ever before.

Down in the ditch was the red Toyota he had been following for so long. It was completely recked.

It looked like it had been caught on fire. It was almost impossible to recognize it. Firmly wrapped around a tree.

Tears streamed down his face as he saw the man who had taken away little Everleigh being dragged out of the car.

"Is he dead?" Boomed his voice even before he was aware of it himself.

One of the paramedics stood up and walked towards him. "You can't be here. Go behind the tape." She pushed him away from the scene.

"The girl! I need to see the girl." He tried to reason. His head felt too cloudy to reason with anything.

"There is no girl here. Go behind the tape." The paramedic said sternly. But Chris wouldn't budge.

"That drunken son of a bitch snatched a sleeping three year old out of her stroller and sped of with her! I need to see the girl!" Before the paramedic could react was Chris on his way down the ditch to find her himself.

"You can't go down there." He heard them yell.

"Hey! Get away." Another yelled.

Chris reached the wrecked car. With as much force as he could muster up he opened the backdoor of the car. What met him was heart breaking.


There was no Everleigh in the backseat.

Between the middle seat and the seat furthest away from him he could see a pink bow. It was the little clip-on Everleigh had in her hair just a few hours ago.

He reached over to get it. "No, no! Where is the girl?" He turned around, closing the door with so much force. Everyone around was now watching him wary.
He climbed out of the ditch up to the road.

"Where is the girl?" He questioned, sobs escaping his body.

A police officer came walking towards him with the paramedic from earlier.

"Where is the girl?" He tried once more.

The police officer turned to the paramedic. "Is there a girl involved?" He asked. The paramedic shook her head. Sad eyes met Chris's eyes.

"But it is! Here's her clip. I have a picture taken a few hours ago with her having the clip in her hair. That fucker took her away!" He tried to get his phone out of his pocket but he was shaking to much to get it out.

The police officer held his hand out for the clip. He looked at it. He took a deep breath.

"The girl's name and age?" He asked.

"Everleigh Jacobs. Three years old." Chris was getting tired and his voice was shaking. He was completely out of it.

"She have an older brother called Benjamin Jacobs, football coach. You're his player Chris Davidson, who drove after this car for what seems like several miles to get her back. Am I right?" The police officer stated. A little perplexed Chris nodded in agreement. How?

The paramedic was just as lost. "How did you know all that?" She asked

"We got a phone call two hours ago. We have the brother at our station if you want to come with me." He told Chris, after a few minutes they were on their way to the station, hopefully to get a few answers.

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