Everleigh: Something special

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Everyone was in a good mood. Laughing, dancing, Anna even sang a little. When the time past eleven o'clock people started to leave, mostly the elder once and people who said they had to get back to their kids.

At eleven thirty it was only the team and the five friends left. Then one of the boys stood up, Ben looked at him an nodded. Ben's action was followed by everyone on the team standing up. I looked at the girls for some kind of answer.

Sara locked eyes with me. "I totally forgot to tell you. Some boys from the swimming team is having a party at their frat house. You wanna join?" She smiled at me apologetically.

"She's sixteen, Sara. There was a reason to why we didn't invite her. I am not babysitting unless I get paid." The one guy I recalled as Roy yelled out. He was the one who threw the ball at me yesterday.

My cheeks burned at the pitiful eyes I got from the girls.

"Fuck of Roy." A girl told him off.

"We don't have to go. It is just as fun here with you." Hannah told me. All the other girls nodded, some even sat back down.

I gave them all a grateful smile.

"Thanks, but no. Of course not. It's not your fault that I'm not old enough. I've had a long day anyway, my bed is calling for me. Just go!" I stood up as well.

It's not that I had anything against the five adults who was left, I just knew that they had a past and I kinda felt like an intruder if I stayed without the team.

Everyone had left when I walked over to Anna and Ben.
"Thank you for having me, it's been a great night." I told them before I gave Anna a hug. She was mildly intoxicated so she hung on for a little too long.

"How are you getting back to campus?" Ben asked just as I turned to leave. I turned back to face him.

"I think I might walk, it isn't that long." I told him with a smile.

Anna's eyes widened. "You can't walk at this time at night! Are you crazy?!" She asked.

Ben turned to his friends. "Any of you sober enough to drive?" He asked. The other adults shook their heads, telling him no.

"Sorry girly. Seems like you're stuck with the rest of us. I promise we aren't that bad." Stephanie, the one that had refused to greet me earlier said as she patted the empty seat between her and Anna.

"We have an extra room you can sleep in, I will drive you back to campus in the morning." Ben offered as he took a swing of his beer.

I muttered a small "Thank you." Before I took the seat between the women. Guess I would have to stay with the five of them tonight.

The seven adults started talking again. I was sitting and listening into everything. Ben and Anna had been their coaches when they went to college, clearly a long time ago. They had been coaching for almost twenty years.

Chris was the witty one in the group, he kept saying funny things that only I seemed to find funny. Everyone else stared at him weirdly.

As they continued talking I zoned out. I found interest in a rip in my jeans. It was really sad because the one I was wearing was one of my favorite once. They were straight, plain black jeans, not too tight, but not too loos either.

God I hate skinny jeans so much. Who invented those things. Especially the once without stretch. They are impossible to do anything in. Let's not forget how itchy they are. I'm glad I'm not claustrophobic because I would've died in in those jeans. I—

"....Everleigh...." Snapped me right back to the real world.

"I remember that! She was sick for a full week afterwards." Tristan added to what Chris had said.

"I know she never got it checked out, but I'm positive that she was allergic to that stuff." Ben laughed. Taking a sip of his beer once again. Judging on how much Eve had seen him drink tonight, she was shocked that he wasn't more drunk.

"Im not a doctor, but I'm a hundred and ten precent sure it's not possible to be allergic too chocolate. She just ate too much of it, as children do." Julia drunkenly added. Her hair that had been in a bun for the most part of the night hung loosely over her shoulders. She was extremely pretty.

I had to laugh a little at that "I'm allergic to chocolate." I told her. They all seemed kind of shocked that I had spoken. But a smile tugged on Anna's lips when she got over the shock. It quickly faded again.

"But you ate chocolate chipped ice cream yesterday." She reminded me. Not long after it seemed like a big lightning bulb was lit. "That's why Sara said you ran out of lunch today. You got sick. And why you were late." Anna said.

A red blush crawled up my cheeks. I hadn't expected Sara to remember me walking away from lunch, and then telling Anna. "Yes." I answered meekly.

"Awww! She's blushing!" Sander cooed at me. As if that was going to make things better. I gave him a look of 'that's not funny'.

"Don't tease the poor girl." Amanda scolded Sander.

I had never seen adults this drunk before. All the adults I've had been around was very cautious about drinking in front of kids. Something I was really grateful for.

Sitting with two thirty eight year olds and five thirty two year olds having fun and laughing with alcohol pumping through their blood was not  how I thought my day would end, but I'm really happy I could be apart if this.


3rd pov

"Where did the kid go? And Anna?" Chris asked as he sat down at the table again. He had been inside for a quick toilet break. Eve and Anna was there when he left but not when he returned.

"She probably went to tuck the girl in for the night." Tristan snorted. The others laughed at his comment.

"I would never, ever have guessed that Anna would recruit someone so young. She's basically a child." Stephenie leaned back in her chair. A sight left her mouth as she looked up at the sky. Her mind quickly wandered elsewhere. She had brought three bottles of white wine. She was sure that Julia and herself were the only ones that had touched them. She got more and more light weight the older she got. Julia hummed in agreement.

It went silent for a few moments. It was never any awkward, or uncomfortable silences with the friend group. Sometimes everyone just needed to be silent for a while before they could continue to talking until the sun rises.

The silent sound of the sliding doors being closed got the attention of everyone. Anna walked out of the house, closing the door behind her. A ghost of a smile adorned her lips.

"What are you smiling at?" Ben reached out his hand for her to take. A small smirk on his lips before he gently guided her over to him.

Anna placed herself on his lap, getting comfortable with cuddling him.

"Nothing special." She shrugged.

"Your getting close to the young girl." Sander reminded. Anna gave a shrug once again.

"It's just something about her. I just can't put my finger on it."

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