Chapter 4: Lesson Number Two

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You wake up early, ready for the day's lesson as you head downstairs and slip on the ODM gear. You decide to skip breakfast still feeling a bit full from yesterday so you head outside to practice some more as a refresher. As you're about to prepare to latch on to the same wall, a voice from behind startles you.

"What are you doing?" Levi says, walking up to you with his arms crossed and extremely tired eyes.

"Fuck, you scared me..." you say with your hand on your chest.

"Answer the damn question." He grunts.

"I'm getting some extra practice in. I thought you wanted me to learn to use this thing as soon as possible?" You say, annoyed.

He looks at you up and down with that same glare he always does, how you wish you can wipe it right off his face. "You do realize you put the harness on wrong." He says.

"What? I thought..."

"Here." He bends down, adjusting some of the belts around your thighs and faces the mechanical parts in the right direction. "You would have been thrown off and got seriously hurt if you trained like that."

"Oh, that's surprising."

"What?" He asks.

"You actually care if I get hurt?" You smirk.

"Don't be stupid. Do you know how hard it is to get a hold of that gear? We got lucky we even managed to find them so don't do anything reckless and break it." He says in a cold tone before he walks back inside.

You ignore his comment and begin practicing your aim again. After an hour, Furlan comes out with his gear and waves off Isabel and Levi who set out to look for more jobs.

"You ready to train some more?" Furlan asks to which you reply with a nod. "Great, let's get started."

The rest of the day, Furlan teaches you how to keep your balance as you pull yourself towards where you shot your anchors. It was pretty difficult at first, stumbling over multiple times and losing the latch you had onto the building because the anchor didn't dig deep enough. The first few days were rough, enough to make you feel discouraged, but you kept pushing through and doing your best. Furlan and Isabel would switch off each day, watching over your training, giving you tips and letting you know what you did wrong.

After a week, you begin to see improvement. You latch onto a wall and pull yourself towards it without falling over or the latch becoming undone.

"That's great! You're getting the hang of it!" Furlan shouts over. You turn back to wave at him but you let your confidence get the best of you as the anchor latches off and you come falling down onto a pile empty cardboard boxes.

"Shit." Furlan says, rushing over to you. He finds you laying on your back speechless at first but then you burst out laughing.

"That was great! It felt so free being up in the air!"

"Yeah? Wait until your a pro." Furlan smiles as he reaches his hand out for you. You grab a hold onto it as he pulls you up, dusting yourself off right after. You check yourself for any damage as well.

"Good, the gear is still intact. These boxes saved me from a nasty yelling by Levi." You laugh.

"I'll say. Good thing he wasn't here to see it." He laughs.

*Ahem* "Am I interruptimg something?"

You both quickly turn around to find Levi standing right behind with an irritated expression. You and Furlan look at each other, unsure of what to do.

"Yeah. You really are damn lucky you didn't break it or else I'd be making you scrub the bathroom every day for the rest of your life." He says before walking off.

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