Chapter 5: The First Job

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Both you and Levi arrive at the house together, walking into the kitchen to find Isabel and Furlan at the table eating lunch.

"Look (Y/N)! I made grilled cheese sandwiches!" Isabel excitedly says, handing you a plate.

"Oh wow, it looks so good!" You say, accepting the plate and sitting down at the table.

"I was carefully watching you the last time you made it so I think I got it down now!" She says.

"And where were you two...?" Furlan asks with an eyebrow raised.

"I trained her a bit. I wanted to see if she is ready to join us on our missions." Levi says, sitting at the table beside him.

"And?" Furlan asks, which Levi simply replies with a nod.

"YES! SIS IS GONNA BE JOINING US NOW!!" Isabel cheers wrapping her arms around you with a big smile on her face.

"What's the job anyways?" You ask, before taking a bite out of the sandwich.

Levi looks at Furlan and gives him a nod, letting him explain everything. "Tomorrow, we are getting paid to steal a shipment coming in from up top. I don't exactly know what this shipment is but I know it's for those lazy ass military police that hang out at the toll gates. Supposedly there should be about 3 crates worth of stuff. If we can smuggle all of them, then we'll be rewarded. Simple as that."

"Heck yeah! I love messing with those lazy soldiers!" Isabel laughs. 

"So make sure you all get enough rest. We'll move out early when most people are asleep." Furlan finishes off. You all nod, finishing your meals and heading off to bed early.

The next morning you were the first to wake, quickly getting ready and heading downstairs to wait for everyone else. They eventually come down and are a bit surprised to see you up earlier than them for once. 

"Someone's excited." Furlan laughs. 

"Well, it is my first job! Just want to make a good first impression to the big boss." You joke as you signal your head towards Levi who's grabbing a quick meal to eat before your departure. He looks at you with an un-amused look as he continues scavenging the pantry for something to eat.

The four of you quickly eat and head towards the destination of the shipments, quietly maneuvering your way around the buildings without waking anyone up. You see the gate in the distance and stop just behind a run down building before reaching it, assessing the area from the shadows. Ahead, you see 4 soldiers tiredly "watching" their posts, though they're more slumping around half asleep than doing their actual job.

"This is gonna be so easy!" Isabel snickers before Levi pushes her head down to shut her up. 

You all watch carefully until a crate filled wagon arrives being pulled by two horses and a similarly slouched soldier riding it. The soldier hops off of the carriage, making his way to the other two standing guard and showing them a small journal while pointing to the crates. You sit their, lurking in the shadows waiting for the perfect time to take action. It feels like forever until you finally see them turn around, having their full attention on the other soldier, that's when your group decide to go. Furlan and Isabel run towards the wagon, hiding just underneath it for a few seconds before jumping on and whipping the reins of the horses. A loud yelp escapes their mouths which are then followed by the loud gallops racing away from the gate, both you and Levi quickly follow behind with your ODM gear. 

The guards are immediately alerted and begin chasing after, using their ODM gear as well. As you zip through the buildings, making sharp turns with ease, the MP struggle to keep up. They inch closer and closer but you decide to play with them. Being just a hands reach away, you blast away, picking up speed again as you turn the corner, leading them straight into a wall as you manage to bounce off of it unharmed. They eventually lose both you and Levi. He looks at you, giving you a nod of approval to which you respond with a gleaming smile. However, you let your pride take the better of you and fail to notice a figure heading straight for you. Levi notices quickly with no time to warn you so instead  he pushes you aside, taking the full blown hit for you. You fall into a dark alley, landing in a pile of old crates and rags, cushioning you a bit but not enough to come out uninjured and leaving you with a sprained arm along with cuts and bruises. 

You lay there for a while, a bit dizzy from the impact, as you're trying to comprehend what just happened; it all went by so fast. You slowly struggle to get up as a jolt of pain travels up your arm. You hiss at the pain and have no choice but to use your other hand to put a bit of pressure and relieve the stinging sensation. That's when you hear grunting from just outside the alley. You quietly make your way over, using the shadows of the building to keep you hidden but you almost break your cover when you see a man in a green cloak shoving Levi's face into a muddy puddle. Levi struggles to raise his head up, gritting his teeth and you can see the fire in his eyes, but they instantly extinguish when he catches sight of you in the alley. You reach out for him, but the look in his eyes tell you to stay back. Furlan and Isabel are also there, both with their hands bound and kept down by soldiers.

All you can do is watch as your friends kneel before a group of people draped in green cloaks, decorated with emblems of wings on their backs. One of them, a tall man with blonde hair, thick brown eyebrows, and bright blue eyes kneels before Levi looking straight into his eyes with a cold gaze. You see him speaking but are having a hard time listening in. Levi can be seen responding back but again, you struggle to hear what he's saying. That's when they are ordered to stand with each having a soldier holding on to them and leading them away, but not before Levi takes one last glance at you, almost like he's making sure you're okay before he's taken away.

You helplessly watch these soldiers take the last bit of family you have left. Why... Why are you never able to help your family...? All you do is hide... Hide while they're taken away from you. You fall to your knees, the adrenaline finally settling down as tears begin to run down your cheek.

Hours pass and you struggle to make your way back to the hideout feeling so much pain, loneliness, but mostly defeat. The room is dark... Empty. You close the door behind you, your back sliding down the wooden grain of it's surface before you reach the ground. You bury your face in your hands and let the tears pour out. Years of pain and suffering finally release at that moment that you struggle to calm down, letting rage take over. 'This was my first job! How did I fuck up so bad?! If I was just paying attention, Levi wouldn't have gotten caught!' You thought as you pound your fists to the floor.

It really is hell living in the underground. Being born down here is the cruelest thing to have done to you. A life of sickness, pain, and trauma is something no one should ever experience, yet you live it every single day down here and you can't do anything about it. Hidden away from the light, all you can do is shrivel away like a delicate flower.

No. Not anymore. There has to be a way out. There's nothing else left for you here. There never was. You'll do literally anything at this point... Besides, what do you have to lose?


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