Chapter 3: Lesson Number One

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You wake up to the sound of knocking at your door, causing you to sit up and rub your tired eyes. You pull the covers aside and walk to the door, gently opening it only to find Isabel wide awake and excitedly greeting you. 

"Hi (Y/N)! I hope you slept okay on your first night with us..." 

"It's a lot better than what I was used to. Probably the best sleep I've had in the longest time." You say mid yawn. 

"I'm glad to hear that! Anyways, Levi and Farlan are downstairs already, they wanted to speak with you about something so best not keep them waiting or else Levi gets reeeeaaally irritated. I learned that the hard way." She says. 

"Okay give me like, 5 minutes." 

Isabel nods and makes her way downstairs. You go back to your room and make your bed before heading to the bathroom to wash your face. You turn the squeaky nob and splash your face with ice cold water, getting rid of any oils that appeared overnight. You look in the mirror to find your hair a mess, how you wish you had a brush. You try to fix up your hair, detangling it as best as you can until you're satisfied. You walk out and head downstairs to find Levi, Furlan, and Isabel at the table eating breakfast. You sit next to Isabel whose face is stuffed with food as she slides a plate of bread with some strawberry jam to you. You thank her and spread the sweet topping across the bread, taking a bite soon after. Even as something as simple as this, your taste buds explode with the flavor. 

"Let's get down to business." A low voice interrupts your enjoyment. You gulp the food down and look at Levi, staring at you with a cold expression. "Now I hope you didn't assume that you would be living here... eating our food for free... right?" He says.

"What? N-no I..." you begin to say.

"Because I will not tolerate some type of parasite consuming our things that we worked hard for." He leans back in his chair and crosses his arms, his face just as expressionless as ever. 

"While I do appreciate your hospitality, I already knew that I was going to have to work for this, and I don't mind it. You've given me so much compared to what I had on my own and I'll do anything to be able to stay." You say, sitting up straight in your chair.

"Oof, don't say that or he'll make you do all the chores in this house for months like he did with me..." Isabel sighs. Levi glances at her with an annoyed expression before turning his attention back to you. 

"How quick of a learner are you?" Farlan asks.

"Well, it would depend on what it is..." You think to yourself.

"You did say you taught yourself how to fight... but do you think you can learn to use the same gear we use?" he continues. 

"I... I'm not sure-" You begin to say before getting caught off.

"If you can't then we won't have any use for you." Levi says, sitting up about to leave.

"It doesn't mean I wont try." You quickly say in a stern tone, instantly catching his attention. You both glare at each other for a few seconds before you break the silence. "I'll do my best and work hard to learn. I know once I figure it out, I'll be a useful asset to the team." Tension rises between you and Levi which Farlan and Isabel notice and cant help but snicker to themselves. 

"Aww c'mon Levi, you weren't even that hard on me..." Isabel says.

"Yeah, that was because we had enough supplies to feed you. We're limited now if we have to feed another mouth. I want to make sure she will be useful and help contribute so we don't go hungry." Levi sternly says.

"I'll be useful, I promise." You say. 

"And if you're not, your going back to the streets." He says as he stands up and walks out the door. You sigh to yourself, doing your best to stop tears from forming in your eyes while Farlan and Isabel notice your frustrated expression.

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