Chapter 7: The Scouts

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Erwin and his group lead you to a wagon by the gates with two brown horses patiently waiting in the front. He hops on, turning around to help you step up before sitting down on the wooden seat. You sit across from him as the rest of his group follow in a different wagon behind. It's just you and Erwin and you can't help but feel a bit awkward in this situation, especially since he's cleaning off the wounds you left on his face with a white handkerchief that he pulled out of his pocket.

He notices your expression and smiles. "Don't worry, I've gone through worse." He says as it stains red.

"I'm sorry... I hope I didn't get you too bad. I was just... Trying to protect myself." You sigh.

"Completely understandable, I would have done the same thing given your situation. It just shows me you have a lot of fight in you, perfect for taking down titans. The fact that we had to resort to a tranquilizer to bring you down is incredible." He says.

"Speaking about titans, I'd like to know more about them..." You ask, hunching forward as you stare into his intimidating eyes. They slightly narrow as he turns his head to look ahead, seeing the wagon pass through the first gate and begin making your way upward. He turns back to you with a serious look on his face.

"No one knows exactly where they came from but they have been around for as long as anyone can remember. Like I mentioned before, these beasts are humanoid, most with deformities but they are terrifying to look at nonetheless, with some towering over us at 15 meters tall though others can be as small as 3 meters. Regardless, they all have one thing in their minds, and it's to kill. It's instinct to chase any human they see. We found that they have no care for animals or plants, but a hunger for humans. The thing is though, our researchers have found that they don't even have a digestive system, so there's no reason for them to be consuming anything." He says.

"So... You're saying they eat for fun?" Your voice trembles.

"Something like that, but we hope to find the real reason for their actions soon. They can be very agile, so having quick reactions is a must. You can cut them anywhere but the problem is they will regenerate quickly. They only have one weak spot, and that is their nape. If we slice the nape, they are eliminated. They disintegrate and disappear into thin air soon after."

"That all sounds... Terrifying."

"It is, I won't lie to you. Being a soldier is not for the faint of heart, but I respect my soldiers and the sacrifices they make for humanity."

"Seems like I should have just taken my chances with the military police instead of joining the Scouts." You say with a slight nervous chuckle.

Erwin laughs. "I believe you'll do fine."

"I still don't understand why come down here for just me..."

"Once you're up there, you'll understand. I want to give humanity any winning chance that's possible, even if it means recruiting thugs from the underground." His eyes narrow a bit.

You fall silent, not sure of what to say so instead you face to the side, seeing the entire city of the underground grow small, more distant. This is it, you're finally getting out. Everything you've ever known is being buried here as you're off to start a new chapter in your life on the surface. You don't know how to feel, multiple emotions clash with one another. Fear, anxiety, excitement, happiness... Everything is happening all so sudden. You look up and there you see a wooden gate with rays of  light shining through.

Your heart begins to beat faster as you inch closer. You're so close you can almost feel the warmth of the light...

The gate rises and you pass through, finally arriving to the surface. You shield your eyes from the light until you let them adjust and you finally get to see your surroundings. It's so bright and lively with tall well kept buildings everywhere. The people up here look happy and healthy, clean and dressed nicely compared to those in the underground.

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