Chapter 2: A New Home

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"Oi, wake up." you hear a deep voice say as you feel a light kick on your leg. You slowly open your eyes and let your vision adjust to your surroundings. Finally everything becomes clear and you see a pair of legs standing before you. You slowly look upward at the slim figure until you reach his face, seeing the familiar silver eyes that caught your gaze when they flew past. A short young man with pale skin and dark black hair that falls over his eyes was looking down at you with his arms crossed and his eyebrows furrowed.

Your (e/c) eyes were locked onto his and were left speechless by his intense gaze. For the first time in your life, you felt intimidated by someone.

"What are you doing here?" he says.

You freeze up, not able to find the words to say to him. He remains silent waiting for an answer when two others show up behind him.

"Bro! What's going on? We're waiting on your- oh?" a red haired girl says, stopping next to him. "Who's this?" She says.

"That's what I want to know." The dark haired man says not taking his eyes off of you.

A blonde man stands on the other side of the dark haired man as he looks down at you as well with an eyebrow raised.

"Well?" The dark haired man continues.

"I-I My name is (Y/N)." You stutter.

"(Y/N)? I don't think I've ever seen ya around." The red haired girl says, reaching her hand out for you. You hesitate at first, but something about her seems nice and genuine, so you trust her and reach for her hand. "My name is Isabel! That's Farlan and that's Levi!" She says pulling you up and pointing to each individual. Farlan raises his hand at you and closes his eyes, giving you a warm smile while Levi remains there with his arms crossed and his intense gaze still on you.

"Well... are you going to tell us what you're doing here? Because frankly, I remember seeing you on top of a building far from here." Levi says.

"O-oh, right..." You laugh shyly as you place your hand behind your neck. "I uh, this may sound stupid, but I don't really know why I'm here."

They all raise an eyebrow at you as you stand there embarrassed. Levi turns around and begins walking off before saying, "I don't have time for this...Go home then, it's too dangerous around here."

"I don't really have a home." You say which causes Levi to stop and glance over. "I mean, I guess I would call a small tent on the roof of a building home... but hardly. I saw you guys fly by and I-"

"Go back to your tent then." Levi grunts as he makes his way up a set of stairs and into a building.

Your eyebrows furrow and you look to the ground. 'Rule number one, don't trust anyone. How could I forget.'  You tell yourself. You were about to turn around before you were stopped with a hand grabbing your shoulder.

You look up to Farlan and Isabel still standing there. "I'm sorry, he's not the most understanding person." Farlan says. "Yeah! I had to scrub the floor for weeks for me to stay with them." Isabel chuckles. "You were looking to join us?"

You look up at her with surprised eyes and say, "I mean... "

"I was in the exact same situation as you when I stumbled upon them. I saw them flying with their ODM gear and wanted to be just like them. It's so cool!" She happily says.

You nod in agreement before saying, "I'm sorry for intruding, I just thought there was a chance I could maybe join you guys."

"Let me talk to Levi! Maybe I can convince him!" she says as she quickly runs up the stairs and into the same building Levi went into.

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