Chapter 8: Settling In

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You sit there for a bit, trying your best to regain your composure as you wipe the tears off of your cheeks and regain a normal breathing pattern. You get up and walk out the same door Levi left through earlier. Your mind races with so many thoughts... The way Levi spoke to you and the fact that your two closest friends have been dead... you didn't even know. You feel so many emotions: anger, sadness, regret, guilt... And all you can do is keep a straight face as you try your best to push forward. Clearly this is not going the way you hoped.

You pass by a hall and fail to notice Hange leaning up against the wall, waiting for you with her nose buried in her journal. She sees you walk by and hurriedly follows behind.

"Hey! I'm right here!" She calls out. You look at her and stop for her to catch up, but you remain silent. "You're a pretty fast walker." She pants a bit. "Sorry if I was a bit hidden, would explain if you didn't see me." She laughs a bit though it becomes awkward when she sees you with a straight face.

*Ahem* "Anyways...Erwin asked me to show you around so that's what I'm here to do." She says.


"You're not much of a talker, huh... That's okay, all you gotta do is follow and listen. I'll eventually get a word outta ya. I just know we'll be great friends." She says as she walks down the hall. "follow me please!~"

She leads you outside and into the next building over, showing you the mess hall where dozens of soldiers are sitting and eating their meals, some socializing while others keep to themselves.

She then shows you the training area, the supply rooms, the classrooms, the offices, and finally, the sleeping quarters. The room is large, with multiple bunks side by side.

"We share rooms.... With all of these people?" You sigh.

"Oh! You finally spoke!" She looks at you with widened eyes and a huge smile. You look at her with an unamused expression.

"You know, you give me the same look that Levi does. You guys really did know eachother back then huh.." she points out. You glare and can feel a lump in your throat as you try your best to hold back the tears.

"I'd like to rest if that's possible." You say in a low tone.

"Of course! Let me go get you a new blanket, and your sleeping attire." She says as she rushes off. You watch her leave as you look at the old wobbly bed. It's not in the best condition, but it's a lot better than what you're used to in the underground, the only thing that would make it better is some sort of privacy. Seems like the top bunk is already taken so you inspect the bottom mattress. A bit dirty and it's not the most comfortable but it will do. Hange rushes back with your things and hands them to you.

"Here ya go! Now remember, they sound an alarm when it's bed time and when it's time to wake up so keep track of the schedule. Tomorrow you'll start training and begin your classes. Let me know if you need anything, I'll be in the next room over." She says waving you off.

"Thanks." Is all you manage to say before she closes the door. You look out the window and see the sun begin to set. It's only a matter of time before they sound the alarms for the night and this whole room will be filled with exhausted soldiers, so you take whatever time you have left to lay there in peace. You change out of your clothes and into your sleep wear before plopping onto the lumpy mattress.

You figured you'd skip dinner tonight, being that you're not really hungry and instead just try to relax and recollect your thoughts. After all, you woke up that morning in the underground and now you're on the surface. You left everything behind, your old home, your unfinished jobs, and your gang. 'Hopefully they'll do okay without me...' You think to yourself. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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