Living for the Hope of it all

673 21 11

Travis's POV

I woke up the next morning to Taylor in my arms. The memories of the night before came flooding back which brought a smile to my face. I pulled Taylor closer into my chest, never wanting to let go. After a while of just holding her, I figured it was time to get on with our day since it was the last full day that Becs was going to be here.

I started to slowly wake up Taylor by kissing her cheeks then her nose and eventually her neck. She finally started to slowly wake up,

"What time is it?" She said in her morning voice. I will never get tired of waking up next to her and hearing that voice.

"I have no idea. How hungover are you?"

"Not too bad but I am going to need some-."

Before she finished her sentence I handed her the bottle of Advil and water.

"Since when do you keep these on your night stand?" she asked as she sat up to take the pills.

"Since the night you had those really bad period cramps and didn't move from the bed. I stocked my night stand with ibuprofen, Advil, small bottles of water, a heating pad and some other stuff. Then I stocked tampons and pads under the counter in the bathroom." As I explained, I can see her eyes get a little watery,

"You did all of that...for me?" She asked as if she couldn't believe it. I sit up next to her to meet her eye to eye,

"I love you. I will do anything to make you happy and comfortable."

She gave me a soft, quick kiss leaving my lips wanting more, "Later" I told myself, today is about Becs.

I looked at the clock and it was almost noon so I hopped out of bed to see if Becs was up already. I had a special day planned just for the two of us while Taylor had to work. I peeked into her room to see her sitting up on her bed and looking at her phone. She had a puzzled look but an almost shocked look on her face but I brushed it off knowing she is probably on tiktok.

"Morning girly!" I said sitting on the edge of her bed.

"Morning Trav" She said not looking up from her phone.

"I was thinking, today can be a brother-sister day. Taylor has to work and do a bunch of zoom calls so I figured maybe we can go out and do all the things you love in KC before you leave."

She looked up from her phone with a confused look on her face. I don't know what goes on in her head but I know that as her big brother that if she doesn't want to talk about it, the most I can do is make her have a good day.

"Why?" She asked.

"I realized that we haven't spent that much time together since you have been here and want some one-on-one time with my sister. Is that ok?"

"What would we do?" She asked like she was investigating something.

"Well I was thinking we could go to the zoo, then get some dippin dots since for some reason you like them more than ice cream, which is weird, by the way. Then we could go for a walk through the gardens that you love so much and then go to a museum of the tiny things you like which, again, you're weird." I tried to remember everything she loves about this city in hopes that it would make her smile. Since she has been here, her mood has fluctuated so much, one day she would be her old happy, bouncy self and then next, she would just lock herself in her room. I want her to be reminded of the things she loved.

"Wait really?? We can go to the gardens and the zoo?" Her smile slowly started to grow "And the museum of tiny things and you would get dippin dots?" She was now out of her bed sitting next to me grabbing my arm and shaking me.

"Yes we are going to do all those things. So you better get dressed so we can leave."

"Ok ok ok, give me like 10 minutes." She quickly got off the bed and ran to her closet to pick out an outfit.

I walked out of her room so I could get ready for the day too. I walked into my room to find Taylor still in bed,

"I take it she liked the plan. I could hear her from here!" She said, swinging her legs over the bed to face me.

"Yea she did! She might be almost 19 but she is still a kid at heart." I said as I walked into the bathroom. "When do your meetings start?" I asked while getting out my toothpaste and toothbrush.

"I have one with the whole team at 1:30, then I have one with just Tree at 2:30, then I have to call Jack around 3:15 and then I have one with my scheduling person AND Tree at 4:00." She was counting on her fingers trying to remember everything she has to get done.

"I take it, you are telling them about TTPD today." I said between brushes.

"Yep! I am so excited! Jack and I have only a couple songs to finish then we are done! Also thank you for using the code name." Her smile is so big as she talks about her album, I know that it makes her happy being able to connect with her fans.

"Well I can't wait to hear the rest of it." I said coming out of the bathroom and giving her a kiss on her forehead.

I have heard a couple of songs but not all of them. Taylor had said that some of them are too hard for her to sing in general let alone in front of people. I know this album is about her and Joe's break up, she told me everything that happened between them and I had told her everything that happened in my past relationships. It showed each other that we both came with baggage but we could get through it together if we tried. Everyday I wish I could take away the pain that Joe caused her but I know that I can make her happy now and that's all that matters.

I was staring into her eyes while she talked about the rest of the meetings she had that day when I heard,


I quickly looked up to see Becs in the doorway with arms crossed.

"Dude come on! You can look at your girlfriend later, she's not going anywhere!"

"Yea she's right, go have fun, I'm not going anywhere." Taylor said, squeezing my hand that I had entwined with hers moments before.

"Ok, I will be downstairs in 5 minutes, I just have to put on clothes that aren't pjs." I said to Becs. I watched her run down the stairs and almost fall, which made me chuckle. I gave Taylor a quick kiss on the check and got changed.

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