Don't You Ever Grow Up

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Becs's POV

Travis had won his game and I couldn't be happier for him. I had offered to watch the kids for Brit and Pat so they could go to the game mostly so the adults could have some fun but also so Tay and Trav could have their first night out as a couple without his little sister around. As I drove Mom back to the house and the ride was completely silent except for the music playing on the radio. I wanted to tell her about school and everything that has happened in my life but at the same time, I didn't know what to say.

"So you told me that you liked your classes, which one is your favorite?" My Mother asked. I knew what she was doing, she was trying to see if anything was wrong with different questions without exactly asking the question "Are you ok?"

"My favorite is probably my creative writing class. I can write whatever I want and still get credit for it." I answered.

"That's great honey! What have you been writing about?"

"Lately just things I have been feeling or things that I care about. I made one about our family actually although I have to change some stuff now that Taylor is here."

"Well I would love to read it once it's done."

We continued with light conversations on the way back. I asked about Jason and the kids since she just saw them, then she asked about my new friends. We got back to the house and we saw Travis's car in the driveway and the security team a couple houses down.

"How on earth did they beat us?" Mom asked

"Have you seen Travis's driving?" I said. Travis was known for speeding and his interesting driving although he has rarely gotten pulled over.

"Yea yea, one of these days, I am going to call him on it." Mom said as we walked up the steps going into the house.

"Mom, you called him on it all the time when he was a teen, if he hasn't changed by now, he will never change."

"Yea you're right." Mom agreed walking in through the front door. We took off our shoes and I walked into the kitchen to find Travis munching on an apple.

"Is Tay getting ready?" Mom asked

"Yep she should be down in a few, then we can head out." Travis replied. I walked to the fridge and got an apple myself thinking I should eat something so I don't get dizzy since I didn't really have anything to eat except for one chicken tender that Taylor had given me.

I went up to change out of my chief's gear and into something more comfy after I had finished my apple. I grabbed my Taylor Swift quarter zip that I had gotten at the concert which I pretty much lived in for a month after the concert. I also switched my jeans out for legging, and then walked out into the hall almost running into Taylor going down the stairs.

"Wow you look amazing!" I told her. She had on a denim dress with black heels and her hair was half up, half down.

"Thank you! This was the only thing I had really brought with was good for going out"

"Well it looks fantastic, Travis is going to it!"

She laughed but I can tell she was blushing and trying to hide it. We started to head downstairs when she said "Is that my face on your back?"

"Oh yea, I got it at the concert." I said a little embarrassed

"Well it looks good on you." She said while quickly running her hands through my hair, walking past me on the stairs.

We walked into the kitchen to find Mom and Travis where I left them. When Travis saw Taylor, he almost spit out his water that he had just taken a sip of.

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