I loved you in secret

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Kylie's POV

I had just gotten off the phone with Becs when I got a call from Travis,

"Hey Trav, what's up?"

"Nothing much, I wanted to just ask you something"

"I'm all ears" I said as I went back to the laundry I was folding before Becs called me.

"Has Becs seemed off lately? Like when she was here, it was great but there were times where she just didn't seem like herself."

I knew a lot of the things that were going on in that girl's life. Not that she told me herself, I just kind of found out.

She was visiting us one weekend and she had asked if she could bring a friend since both of them needed a get away from college life and the stress they both were having. I had told her that was fine as long as she got her homework done well her friend was here.

They arrived Friday night and Becs introduced her friend, Jessica to Jason and I. That night we had dinner and everything went normal, the girls were all over Becs as normal and wouldn't leave her side. Becs has always been good with the kids, she is the best aunt but I notice a change in her. She still got on the floor, played with them and even put them to bed but she seemed cold and wasn't her smiley, happy self. I also noticed that every time she was around Jessica, her personality shifted entirely, it's like I didn't even recognize her.

On that Saturday, Jase decided he wanted to have a day just for him and Becs. Her brothers always make sure she feels special when she visits and I can tell she lives for those days just like when she was little. I came into her life when she was about 10 but I could see the love throughout the family and Becs quickly became my sister from another mister. Although that day, Becs didn't want to go which was not like her at all so I went up to her room that she has at our house to talk to her while Jason was downstairs with the kids.

I opened the door to where I found Becs and Jessica on her bed, kissing. They didn't seem to notice me, so I cleared my throat to get their attention. Becs head shot up so fast and her eyes got the widest I have ever seen.

"Jess, can you give us a minute?" Becs said

"Are you suuure?" Jessica said with a tone I hated

"Jessica, I don't know you that well so I am going to ask this in a nice tone. Get out please, I need to talk to my sister." I told her in a harsher tone that I intended to. She made a face that said wtf but she still got up, left the room and closed the door behind her.

"Ky, I can explain!" Becs said getting up off her bed quickly. I have no idea what she was going to say or make excuses for but at that moment I knew what she needed. I pulled her in a big long hug and she just cried into my shirt. We stayed there for a while until she pulled away from me and looked into my eyes. She has the eyes of her brothers, green with a hint of brown in them. It always amazed me how much she looked like a mini Travis and Jason combined. Although in that moment, her eyes were dark and red from crying,

"Ky..." She started to say

"Do you want to tell me about it?" I asked. I didn't want to pressure into talking about something that she didn't want to talk about.

She slowly nodded so we both sat up on her bed and I just waited for her to start speaking.

"Kylie...I...I'm Bisexual." When the words left her mouth, she started to cry again so I grabbed her hand and waited for her to continue.

"I am scared to tell anyone so can you not say anything?"

"Yeah sure but can I ask why? You know everyone will be supportive."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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