Just Stay This Little

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Taylor's POV

After a long talk with Becs and a double check in the mirror to make sure the hickey was coved, we went downstairs to leave for the game. I found Donna in the living room and told her that we should get going if we were going to beat the traffic to the stadium. She agreed so she said goodbye to whoever she was talking to and went to put her shoes on. Us three girls walked out to the car when Donna through Becs the keys,

"Moooooom, why are you making me drive?"

"Because you are our DD," Becs looks at her with a "are you kidding me" look.

"What are you pouting about missy, you can't drink anyway." Donna shrugs and Becs signs with defeat. I swear no matter how old you get, your mom will always be your mom and I am speaking from experience.

I sit in the back while Donna and Becs are up front. Becs plugs in her phone to the car AUX which started to play Karma which causes her to turn to me and smile.

"Do you mind listening to yourself? It's the only thing I really have on my phone."

"I don't mind at all." I said a big grin.

We drove to the stadium and only hit a little bit of traffic which caused Becs's road rage to come out a bit which I found hilarious. Although, Donna did not, especially when she let lose on a few fucks on the highway.

When we pulled into the parking lot, my nervousness got worse. I was so scared of what my fans would think and what the media would write about but I made sure to focus on what was really important and that was Travis, MY Travis. My phone went off and I saw it was a text from Tree

"Don't do anything stupid and have fun tonight, love ya T"

Tree was one of the best people in my life. Not only was she a great publicist but also a great friend who always puts up with my crazy shit and more. I sent back a quick Love you too and put my phone away knowing I will limit how much I'll look at it once the game starts. I was ready to see my boyfriend play some football (which I still know nothing about) and not care what the media would think.

Becs pulled into a parking spot and when we got out of the car, I was spotted right away.

After making our way to our seats in the suite, I was able to relax. We had been photographed the whole time on our way to the suite and people were screaming my name. Becs had taken the lead with confidence and showed me where to go with Donna by my side.

It was quiet in the suite but I knew that was going to change soon once it was filled with Travis's friends and family. I made my way to the bar with Donna to get a drink and then we went to our seats. I looked out of the window to see the field that I had played in not too long ago. It looks so small from where I was and it made me a little emotional to think back to the two nights I had played here. I thought about the night that Travis came to my show and must have watched it from where I was standing. July 8th was the night that would change my life forever, I just didn't know it yet. I smiled to myself at that thought and must have spaced out a little because I didn't even feel Donna come up next to me.

"Are you nervous honey?" she asked, snapping me out of my daydream

"Just a little but I am happy to be here!"

"Have you looked online yet?"

"Nope, Travis made me promise that I wouldn't look at what people are saying until after the game"

"That sounds like my boy, always looking after the people he loves" When she said loves, she made sure to make eye contact with me. She knows more about our relationship then Travis and I probably do although she is a mother and mothers know everything.

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