Heart to Heart

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Becs's POV

The next morning, I woke up to my phone dead and the sun pouring into my room. I got out from under the covers and made my way to the mirror to see my bedhead and my eyes were still red from crying last night. I smelled bacon and pancakes which I knew Travis made as an apology breakfast but I was not in the mood to see him at the moment. So I climbed back into the cover, made sure to plug in my phone and grabbed my book from my nightstand. As I was deep in my book, I heard a knock at the door that pulled me back to real life, I rolled my eyes knowing Travis just wanted to apologize. I reached over to grab my phone to check the time, it was 12:05 and I also realized I had a lot of notifications from mom, dad, Jason and some others. I heard another knock at the door, 

"Travis go away I don't want to talk to you right now." The door opened just a little to see that it was not Travis, it was Taylor. "Hi, do you mind if I come in?" I sat up a little and gave a small shrug because I was still mad but I was more mad at Travis then her. She came in and sat on my bed, her hair was down and curly and she wore what I believe is my brother's chiefs sweatshirt. I still couldn't get over that Taylor was in the same room I was and she was here talking to me but I had to keep my cool. I was staring down at my book tracing the edges not really knowing what to say or if I should say anything.

"I love your room by the way." Taylor said.

I look up a little to see her eyes looking around my room.

"Yea, when Travis moved here, he said I can pick out a room that would be just mine when I came to visit and he let me decorate it however I wanted."

"Well it's really pretty and I especially love that corner." She said point to my Taylor Swift corner that has some of her CDs, vinyls and posters.

"Haha thanks." I said, a little embarrassed. "I have more of your stuff at my mom's house and my dorm but I wanted some stuff here too."

"Well that is pretty cool if I do say so myself."

I laughed a little and placed my book back on my nightstand.

"So can we talk about last night?" Taylor asked.

"I mean there isn't much to talk about, Travis just didn't want to tell me which I get that but I thought we were close enough to share things like this but I guess not. I just felt a little hurt I guess."

"Hey, Becs that is not true, he loves you and he actually wanted to tell you like the first week of us dating but then we agreed to keep it a secret. So you should also be mad at me as well because it was my idea to keep it a secret until we figured things out and we have now."

I sat there not really knowing how to feel or think. My brother must be really serious about her if they wanted to keep it a secret at first. I did have one question.

"Do you love my brother?" I looked back up at her trying to read her face. She took a deep breath and scooted a little closer to me, took my hands and said "Yea I do, a lot actually. We have not said those words to each other yet but he probably is the best thing to ever happen to me. Well you are a fan, you probably know how this year has gone for me."

I did know, I knew that she broke up with Joe Alywn a couple months back and they were together for 6 years and I know that that was probably really hard for her especially after hearing You're losing me.

"Yea I listened to You're losing me a couple of times." I said kind of looking down.

"Ok so you know how I felt around the beginning of this year." she said, squeezing my hands, I nodded. "Your amazing brother, got me out of whatever hole I was in and I will always be thankful for that. Now if you let me, I think you and I could be really really good friends." I picked up my head, looked into her eyes and I can tell she isn't lying. I slowly started nodding as she pulled me into a hug, we stayed there for a little bit until we heard a small knock at the door. We parted to see Travis at the door staying there with a plate of pancakes and bacon. Taylor then got up off my bed "You know what, that looks really good, I am going to go get myself some and let you guys talk." She walked past Travis, gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and walked down stairs.

"Look B, I am really really sorry for how I handled things last night, I know I should have told you sooner, I just didn't know what this was with me and Tay." He explained. He put down the plate on my deck and opened his arms for me to run into, which I did. We stayed like that for a little bit and when we parted, I noticed that he had been crying.

"Alright, these pancakes aren't going to eat themselves." He said, giving the plate to me.

"Yea yea, you're right but as I eat these, tell me everything about Taylor." He laughed and nodded his head. After I was done eating and we finished spilling all the tea, we walked downstairs. When we got to the kitchen, Taylor was cleaning up and had a plate made up for Travis since he hadn't gotten to eat breakfast yet.

"Babe you didn't need to clean up, I could have done that." Travis said and started to help dry the dishes.

"Well I wanted you guys to talk everything out and I don't mind, really but thank you for helping." She gave him a smile and handed him the last dish and I realized that she had been telling me the truth, she was in love and that made me happy.

After Travis was done eating his breakfast/lunch, he turned to me and said "Alright B, time to get you training, you know the drill." I gave him the biggest eye roll over

"Um, someone fill me in." Taylor said, a little confused. I turn my chair towards her and explained, "When I come visit Travis, he always makes me do his workouts, this started back when he and Jason was in college, I would go visit them with my parents and they would always have me run laps and do push ups and whatever else was on their schedule for that day. As I got older, we started to make games out of it and whoever finished the workout first got to make the others do something embarrassing. Sometimes it was dressing up in costumes or putting makeup on the other. So now that I am a decent baseball player and Jason and Travis are in the NFL, the tradition has continued."

"Awwww I love that!" Taylor said standing next to Travis running her fingers through his hair. "I have one more question, why does he call you B? I thought your family just called you Becs."

"Well they do but one night when I was about 5 or 6, I can't remember maybe Travis does." I look at Travis for the answer. "I think you were 6." He said, nodding his head, remembering that night. "Gotcha, anyway, I had this really big nightmare and Travis was the only one in the house at the time because my parents were off somewhere with Jason. I called for him and screamed his name until he came in through the door and I told him about my nightmare. So he scooped me up and took me to my rocking chair I had in my room at that time and started to tell me about a princess who had the same nightmare as me but she overcame being scared because she knew how strong she was. When I asked him what the princess's name was, he said B like my name and after that it just stuck I guess."

"Yea I remember that night like it was yesterday, you fell asleep in my arms that night just like you did when you were a baby." Travis said. I looked at him feeling bad that I ever doubted how close we were and I think Taylor could tell because she gave me an I told you so look. I gave her a smile letting her know that I am ok and looked back at Travis.

"Alright are we going to do this or what?"

"Yep! You and I are going to get changed and we will meet back at the starting point."

"See you there." I ran up the stairs almost tripping over my feet, when I got to the top, I turned around to see where Travis was because I didn't hear him behind me. When I turned around, I saw him and Taylor kissing passionately. "Ummm hello?? You can make out later, let's go, chop chop dude." Travis broke the kiss and gave me the middle finger. "For your information, she is my good luck charm so HA."

"Whatever dude." I said with a big eye roll. Taylor was just laughing at us, she gave him a kiss on the cheek and said "I will be cheering for both of you and waiting to see who finishes first." Travis then gives her a kiss on the forehead and blots up the stairs after me which makes me run to my room. After we changed and got to our starting place, we got warmed up and ready to go.

"OK, Tay, you are going to start the clock." Travis said handing her a stopwatch

"OK" she said with a little giggle "Are you ready for it..."

Both me and Travis gave her a look at her dropping her own song. She giggled and said "alright alright 1...2...3...GO!"

Travis and I had to complete a run to the gym, lifting weights, rock climbing, 2 machines of whatever we want, swimming and a run back. I also had to film some of it to prove to my coach that I actually workout on break. 

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