The Getaway Car

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Travis POV:

We had just finished warming up when mom had texted me that they had made it to the suite safely. After I read that, I let out a huge sigh of relief knowing Taylor was safe and in the comfort of the suite. Pat then came up to me with a pat on my back.

"You ready for this game today?"

"You know it dude, I am playing for her today" I said feeling my cheeks heat up.

"Just don't get distracted." He says pointing a finger at me.

"I won't, I won't" I mumble back.

We walked into the locker room with the rest of the team to get ready for the game. After a half hour, it was game time and boy, I couldn't be more nervous. We walked through the tunnel and we hear the roar of the crowd as we got closer to the the light on the other side.

"It's a good day for some ball!" I yelled at Pat before he ran out before me.

"You know it!" he yelled back.

I ran out just a little bit behind him and as I ran out I could hear the crowd cheer but I didn't care about that, I glanced up towards the boxes. I saw her smiling down at me, clapping while Becs was next to her jumping and banging on the window. My sister has always had so much energy especially at my games and I know her being there with Taylor just made it 100 times better. I aimed my arrow right up at the box with a big smile spread across my mouth and made sure to hold Tay's glance to let her know she is my star. I had started to do the archer pose a couple of years ago because I always wanted to shoot for the stars but now, she is my world and my everything, I don't need to shoot for anything higher.

As the game went on, I was mostly focused on the game but I caught myself looking up at the box more than I should have been. When it was half time, before we ran into the tunnel, I looked up toward the box one more time and gave a small wave. I couldn't see Taylor very well from where I was standing but I could tell she was smiling and waving back. I then heard Pat's voice behind me,

"Is she up there?"

"Yep, she's right there." I pointed in the direction of her box

"Oh I see her! Do I wave?"

I let out a little laugh, "Yea, you can wave"

As Pat waved up at Tay, I looked around behind us and I saw everyone around us look up at her. It was like they couldn't believe their eyes that she was here but she was and looked her happiest. She was here for me and that's all that mattered.

The game ended and we had won big time which made me even more happy. After our team meeting, I changed the fastest I have ever changed before. Pat called after me as I was leaving

"ARE YOU GOING TO THE AFTER PARTY?" He was still in the shower so he had to yell his question.

"YEA I WILL SEE YOU THERE" I screamed back and walked out the door to see my girls.

I turned around the corner and there they were, wearing their biggest smiles for me. Becs was the first to see me and bulleted towards me in a full blown run. As she leaped up into a hug she said "That was a great game Trav!"

"Thanks B, that means a lot!" I replied as I lifted her off the ground. Once I set her back down, we walked up to Mom and Tay who were waiting for their hugs. As soon as I got close enough to Taylor, she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me into a tight hug. We stayed in each other's arms for quite a bit, forgetting about the world around us.

"Good game Trav." She whispered in my ear which caused me to hug her tighter not wanting to let go just yet.

"Ummmm do I get a hug yet?" I heard Mom say. I laughed as I broke away from Taylor and gave Mom a hug. After all the hugs, I saw Brittney come up with her two kids

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