Breathe, Just Breathe

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Taylor's POV

I was sitting on the couch talking to Tree after I finished all my meetings.

"I know this album will be a lot" I told her

"Tay, you need to be prepared for anything. Yes the fans are probably going to die of shock and the rumors will start but you need to be prepared for what Joe might do." I knew I was going to get lectured like this. Tree has been by my side for a very long time and as much as she works for me, she also has become one of my best friends. At this point, she pretty much knows my every move before I make them which scares me sometimes.

"Have you told Travis about the album?" she asked

"Yea, he has been so supportive and just the best overall." I will never forget the day I told him about this album.

A couple of months ago:

"Hey Tay...what are you doing?" Travis asked as he walked into the music room at her new york apartment.

Taylor was sitting on the floor with a guitar in her lap and pieces of paper everywhere around her. Her ballpoint pen was tucked behind her ear and she was saying something to herself as she held a piece of paper tightly in her hand.

She looked up slightly to see the man that she had just started dating just a couple weeks before and gave him a soft smile.

"Sorry Travis, I would love to do something with you but I got some song ideas that I just had to write down and add to this one over here." She said as she pointed to a clump of paper off to her left. She quickly went back to writing something in a journal and then pulled out her phone and hummed a melody to send to Jack.

Travis sat there in awe that she was able to come up with songs in a split second. Just an hour before they were baking cookies in the kitchen and dancing to the music that came on the radio Taylor had set up on the side of her oven. When all of a sudden it looked like a light bulb had gone off in her brain but brushed it off as if it was nothing, although she started to hum a different tune that Travis had never heard before. After a while, Taylor said she would be right back after they finished the cookies but disappeared for longer then aspect so Travis went to search for her and found her in the room, he had a feeling he would find her in.

Travis didn't realize he was still standing in the room, just staring at her working until she said,

"You know what, I can do this later." She started to get up when Travis ran over to her.

"Baby, why are you getting up if you're not done?" He asked, looking concerned.

"Well you are here so we can get to know each other and see where this goes, I shouldn't be writing songs at the moment."

"Tay, I have loved getting to know you over the past couple of weeks but I have never seen you light up this much. You talk about your music and you talk about how much it means to you, I won't get in the way if you have an idea. In fact, I like watching you do this, it's who you are and it will always be a part of you." Travis looked into her eyes watching her slowly tear up

"You won't get mad if I have a random idea even if we are in the middle of doing something?"

"No, why would I? When I saw your face light up in the kitchen earlier, I knew you had an idea and it made my heart jump for joy. This is a part of you and this is why I'm here, to get to know you, every little part of it."

Taylor looked down at the ground shyly.

"He didn't like it." She whispered as Travis grabbed her hand and came closer to her.

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