Part three

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(Claire leaves the stairwell , she walks by a trash can and throws the blade away. She keeps the feather in her pocket)

Claire: Where did this come from.. who called my name (she thinks to herself)

Jason: Claire! (Claire's coworker)

Jason: Hey Claire I heard about your patient today. I'm so sorry. How are you? Do you need anything?

Claire: I'm fine Jason. I just need some space.

Jason: Understandable .

Claire: See you later okay.

Jason: Sure Claire.

(5pm she reaches the end of her shift)

Claire : 5pm time to go. Hopefully this time I won't miss the bus.

(She walks outside and the bus approaches. She hurries and walks to the bus shelter) she aboards the bus:

Claire: hello sir thank you.

She approaches a seat next to a middle aged man: "hello sir may I sit here next to you?" (She says)

(without a word he nods his head and motions his hand for her to sit)

Claire: thank you.

Claire: (thinks to herself) I feel so empty. I can't believe I lost my favorite patient today. I don't want to be alone tonight.

(Time goes by and the bus arrives on her street. Claire falls asleep on the arm of the man she sits next to.) he taps her shoulder, and she awakes:

Claire: (gasp) oh my god.. I'm so sorry sir . It's been a long day.

The stranger next to her looks at her with admiration, he says to her:

Stranger: "You are never alone Claire. Don't let your heart be in despair." (He grabs her hands and pulls her sleeves up, he looks at her scars.)

Stranger: "No more pain Claire" (he says)

(Claire gasps )

Bus driver: Hey maam! this is your stop right, I can't wait too long.

Claire: yes coming! Sorry

(She gets up and walks to the doors to exit the bus. Once she's off,  she waits for the bus to pass. The stranger is looking at her through the windows. He raises his hand to her motioning a "goodbye" and she does the same)

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