Part 15

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(The scene opens up with the strange man)

Man- take my scars... take my scars.. Claire.. Claire.. take my scars.. touch me.. touch me... feel me.. feel me.. I'm lost..

(he repeats these words again and again until Claire enters the room.)

Claire- Hello again, how are you this morning?

Man- I'm fine.

Claire- I keep missing your name on the door but I'll just ask. What is your name?


Claire- Good, it's nice to know your name.

Chance- how do you want me?

Claire- what?

Chance- to clean my wounds

Claire- right- lay down on your back.

He lies down and Claire removes his bandages.

Claire- oh no .. I- I don't understand.. I thought they were getting better.

Chance- it's ok

Claire- chance what happened .?

Chance- what do you mean?

Claire- Your stitches are torn out.. do you— .. did you do this?

Chance- they were hurting me.

Claire- chance that's not good . Why did you do this ? You're not supposed to do that.

Chance- you worry too much Claire . It doesn't hurt . I love it, I love pain.. I love your hands touching me. That's why I did it so you can touch me even more.

(He grabs both of Claire's hands and pins her down to the bed)

Claire- stop it! Let me go .

Chance- oh I love it - I love your touch, your voice. Give me more Claire . I want you.

Claire- Gasp* Breathes deeply

     "Chance"—  stop. Please .

Chance- With all the darkness in this world you are one of the lights Claire. I'm attracted to you, your heart.

(He puts his hands around her throat)

Chance- What are you doing to me Claire ?

(He let's go and kisses her neck, then kisses her lips)

Suddenly her guardian angel appears:

ENOUGH!  he yells.

Chance falls to the floor shaking and trembling.

The door flys open and Claire runs out.

Dr. Bronner runs after Claire:

Dr Bronner: Claire come back what's wrong?!

Claire- *panting heavily*  that man.. that man is dangerous, he tried to.. well I dont know but he kissed me and was on top of me.. I couldn't move. I need to go home. 

Dr Bronner- its my fault. I'll take care of it. You can go home. You'll still be paid, just put it in as sick leave... Come back next week. ( he strokes Claire's face and wipes her tears: Im so sorry Claire.)

Later that day:

Dr. Bronner- move him and strap him up, we are going to have to put him in intensive care. This patient is dangerous.

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