Part 9

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Claire- so tell me mara why did you try to take your own life. 

mara- I've just been having a really hard time lately and after my boyfriend broke up with me I didn't know what to do. My boyfriend was very abusive, he knew how to make me stay and not leave him. He was a master manipulator. I thought that if I loved him more than the abuse would stop. He couldn't control his temper.. he would just get so angry and lash out. 

mara- He wasn't always this way.. he just turned into a monster. He is very much older than me, I'm 27 and he's 40. I met him when I was 20 and he's taken care of me ever since then. He gave me everything, he spoiled me with expensive gifts, vacations, dinner dates.. I had it all. Then that all changed when he started drinking. You see Claire, I was pregnant with his child at 23 but I had a miscarriage, he thought it was his fault. We had been trying to conceive a couple of years after the miscarriage but we had no luck.  He hasn't been the same ever since. He just got angrier and more frustrated. When I lost the baby, he just overlooked the emotional trauma, I knew he was hurting. 

mara- This isn't the first time that he has left me, but it was definitely going to be the last. I thought that taking my life was the only way to escape this monster of a man I had in my life. I just know that he will be back.. he will be looking for me soon..

Claire- looking for you? what do you mean?

mara- Well he has a habit of leaving me and coming back, he's very possessive. Each time he comes back he love bombs me and it works really well. I have BPD so a lot of the times I can't tell if he's serious or if it'll actually work this time.. I can't stop falling for his tricks. This time we had a big fight and I said some things that really shook him to the core, this time if or when he comes back I'm afraid that he might kill me. 

Claire- Mara.. you are in trouble. I think we need to take this up with the authorities, you can't have this man keeping you bound in fear. 

Mara- You mean like a restraining order?

Claire- yes Mara, as soon as you get better we can get started, I'll help you. Don't worry you are safe with me. He won't hurt you again. Now get some rest, I'll be back later. 

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