Part 11

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Claire walks back to Mara's room

Claire- mara I'm back, how are you feeling.

Mara- better now, that shower was the best.

Claire- good, I'm glad. 

Mara- you know.. I don't think that I can stay here forever.. Well for a long time. you see I have a life to get back to.. and I don't want him to find me here. 

Claire- Mara you are safe here, please don't worry. You aren't ready to be on the streets yet. We still have to run some tests on you. Just to make sure that your overall health is okay. 

Mara- when do you think that I will be able to leave?

Claire- maybe in a week, maybe two. that's my best guess. Honestly it isn't up to me, it's up to the doctor. When he feels that you are good to go, he will order the hospital to get your dispatch papers and then you can go. 

Claire- by the way, do you think that you will have someone or somewhere to stay once we release you?

Mara- the only home I had was with my boyfriend, but I can't go back to that place. I don't know where I am going to go after this but it's better being away from him.

Claire- I can look into some shelters for you, preferably a woman shelter just so you can be comfortable. I'll get on it later in the day and I'll come back with the information. We won't let you leave without having a place to stay of course.

Mara- thanks Claire, that means a lot to me. I really appreciate what you have done for me. I still can't process what's happened to me, I still can't understand it. I keep trying to think straight. I just never thought that he would turn into a monster. I feel like I was lied to and manipulated into believing something that wasn't true. 

Mara- why does pain teach us the greatest lessons in life Claire?

Claire pauses for a moment to think, she has tears in her eyes..

Claire- Some people are born of hatred Mara, love isn't housed within them. 

Mara- pauses and thinks about what Claire said. 

*knock knock knock, Claire I need you out here*

Claire- I'll be back later Mara

Mara- Okay. 

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