Part six

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Claire: the good word says that there are many faces of god.

Claire: is that what I just experienced?

Claire: he said that he'll always be watching over me.

Claire: but why me? what is so special about me? I'm just a regular girl trying to make a living in the world. Im just trying to find my way.. I am not perfect at all. 

Claire: when I think of the Bible, I think of all the people that god used for his plan. for instance Noah was a drunk, but god still had a plan for him. 

Claire: I have a history of self harming, there are countless times where I've felt worthless. I've thought to myself how can I be a healthcare worker and be so unhealthy mentally. no one knows how hard this fight is for me when I go home. I fight everyday not to cut, I fight myself everyday to find a reason to be worthy or feel loved and wanted. but somehow, the love that I am searching for is shown through how I care for my patients. I want to be there for them in so many ways, I just don't want them to be alone. 

Claire: sometimes I feel like there is something that I have missed.. how can I have love for strangers and not enough love for myself?

Claire: how can god have faith in a person as wounded as me?

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