Part 7 : Childhood trauma

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Claire: I've felt deep emotions since I was a child. My mother used to yell a lot, she was always angry from the regrets of being a mother. My dad on the other hand loved me very much but when things would get bad he was absent sometimes. my dad struggled with suicidal thoughts, Im guessing that's a part that I inherited from him. My dad died in 2019 from a heart attack and after his death things fell apart. I know that it has been a while since his death and I feel so guilty about still feeling bad about it. My dad's death wasn't expected you see, I didn't know that he was sick. I wish I could've done more with him, done more for him.I was a really quiet kid, I was always afraid. Mom was always angry, nothing was ever good enough for her. 

Claire: My family was terrible, and they were known for keeping family secrets. The first time I cut was when I was 10. My mom saw the scars on my arms and I lied to her and said that I scraped my arms against something.. and she actually believed me.  I was sexually abused by my cousin luckily it only happened once. I told my uncle about it but nothing was done. no one protected me. I felt worthless. this is something that I usually don't share with anyone. it still hurts and I don't know how to move past it. ive prayed to god many times but it won't go away. I'm carrying baggage that I can't put down. it wasn't my fault.. I was just a kid. I just want love, someone to trust and not feel judged.

Claire: Part of the reason why I've become a nurse is to help others feel good. I want to make people feel better. pain makes you go crazy because no one understands the intensity after years are added. it doesn't go away.. you just get better at dealing with it. but I know one thing for certain, karma is real and justice is real. god gives us all free will and it is up to us on what we do with that free will. how we live our lives on earth determines our fate...

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