Part 12: Strange Man

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Doctor Bronner- Claire I was hoping to talk to you about this sooner. You know how the communication goes in this place. Everything isn't relayed right. Jason was supposed to take this patient but he went home early. we have a patient that was just admitted to the hospital. He is in the ER right now but soon they will send him to our floor. Don't worry you won't be alone either. We will send help because this patient is a bit dangerous. He is an ex convict that has been in prison for 20 years. He has a psychotic disorder, and he was just released last month. He got in a knife fight today with someone on the street, he came in with really bad stab wounds and gashes. If you have any trouble I WILL BE RIGHT OUTSIDE THE DOOR. To make it easier on you I gave you a list on everything you'd need to do:

1. clean and disinfect the patients wounds every four to five hours.

2. give the patient pain killer medicine every 3 to 4 hours. 

3. check in on the patient from time to time. 

4. make sure that the patient eats.

5. Make sure the patient bathes and change hospital gown after every shower. 

Doctor Bronner- does this sound alright to you Claire? if you are uncomfortable please let me know. I'll search this entire hospital to find send someone else to do it, I'll even see if I can call a few of the other nurses who are off today in for some extra help. You are one of my best nurses Claire, I care about you and I want to protect you as much as I can. 

Claire- Dr, I promise you that I can take it. I'm sure that everything will be alright. Even though I have never dealt with an ex con before, I think that I have the skills that equip me enough to do a good job. I am a nurse doctor, it's my job to take care of people.

Dr. Bronner- I didn't want to say anything because I knew that you were still in pain from your patient that passed away. Claire, seeing you cry like that broke my heart. I can't stop replaying it in my head. I thought about you all day Claire. 

Claire- Doctor I'm fine I promise.

Dr Bronner - okay well if you feel good about it then I feel good about it. Remember you won't be alone. 

dr bronner checks his phone

dr bronzer- okay the patient has just been released from the ER, they are wheeling him upstairs now. He'll be in room 345. 

Claire- okay ready when you are-


Claire and doctor bronner see the patient brought up from the ER, he is in a wheelchair and he has strap restraints around him. they wheel him into the room. Claire and dr bronner walk over to the room of the screaming patient. They get him on the bed, lay him down and holds him arm out. He puts up a fight. CODE ARMSTRONG! ARMSTRONG! *the physicians yell.* code Armstrong sounds over the overhead. The physician assistants rush in and instantly inject the patient with sedatives. 

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