Part four: Memories

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(Claire gets into her apartment and makes dinner)

Claire: well I guess its salad again for dinner until I get to the grocery store. 

Claire: everyday just feels the same to me, I'm not sure if its depression. Jason thinks that I should see a doctor about it. I talk with my therapist from time to time but no one can take away this feeling of dread I feel all the time.

Claire: I feel like dying most days. most days I don't feel like feeling. sometimes not feeling is the only way to live in this world to me. but I pray to god. I don't understand his ways at all. but I know he is real.

(Claire recalls a time back to her childhood)

Claire: When I was little I had vitiligo, a skin disease that forms light patches on the skin. I remember my mother taking me up for prayer during church about it and weeks later the patches faded away. it must've been god because vitiligo is incurable. 

Claire: This is why I decided to become a nurse. to save the lives of those that I love and care about. 

Claire: I feel so bad for losing my patient. Miss Mary was so dear to me because she reminded me of my grandmother. My patient Miss Mary has helped me a lot of times in my life. There were times where I cried with her and she cried with me about the ups and downs of life. Miss Mary used to be a dancer in the 1940s, she toured the whole world. She visited Hollywood and played along the old Hollywood actors from long ago like Marilyn Monroe and Jimmy Stewart. But it all came to an end when she got pregnant with her daughter Charlotte. Charlotte and Miss Mary did not get along, they always fought with another. Charlotte blamed her mother Mary for her dad abandoning them. Charlotte never came to visit Miss Mary in the hospital, I was always there for Miss Mary.

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