Part 8: Mara

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5:00 am alarm goes off**

Claire: time for work already? I'm so tired today.

7:00 am:  Claire arrives to the hospital before she clocks in at 7:30 am

Claire: good morning John , morning Frank, Aubrey, hey Jason

Jason: hey Claire! 

Jason: catch you later

Claire: I'll meet up with you for lunch. 

Jason: okay

9:00 am Dr. Bronsens office

Doctor Bronsen: Claire how are you, look I'm gonna need you to be alert today. There is a young patient that was brought here last night as a result of a suicide attempt. The poor girl tried to hang herself after her boyfriend dumped her, lucky the rope broke before she could proceed... I must warn you that she wasn't and probably still isn't in the best of moods. Some physiological tests were done on the patient and we've found some serious mental health concerns. The patient is only 27 years old. The patient has been given some meds so they should be little more settle. Please do what you do best Claire and help this patient get settled in. I will be back much later to check in on you. if you have any problems just give me a holler.

Claire: no problem, will do boss. Thank you. 

Claire enters room 295 where the suicidal young patient resides

Claire: hello mara I saw your name on the door, my name is Claire and ill be taking care of you until you are well enough to leave. please tell me do you need anything? how do you feel today?

mara: fuck off

Claire: Mara I'm not here to judge you or what you've been through.. I just want to talk.. let's get to know each other.

mara: I don't know you and I dont trust you.. why should I let my guard down? I suppose you care about me? everyone that has ever said they cared about me ended up leaving. you don't get it. im useless.

Claire walks over to mara and shows her self harm scars to the patient, the patients eyes grow wider as she can believe what she sees on the young nurses arm.

Claire: " do you trust me now Mara? , I know what it's like... I struggle with it everyday. 

Mara: b-but.. your a nurse.. how can you? I mean how could you-- do that.. 

Claire: I'm still a regular person under this uniform Mara. Now please let me take care of you.. what can I get you. 

Mara: water- can I please have some water?

Claire: Of course.

Claire: im just gonna wipe your body down and give you some medicine, tell me if anything hurts. then Ill run the shower for you. by the way did you eat anything at all today Mara?

Mara: no, nothing.

Claire: what would you like, the cafeteria is open 24/7

mara: sandwich and fries sounds good. 

Claire: okay I'll get that for you now, be right back.

Claire takes 20 minutes to get her patients food from the cafeteria and then goes back to Maras room.

Claire: here you go hun, you must be starving. Don't worry about it being on the hospital bill, I paid for you. 

Mara: thank you, you're so sweet Claire. the world needs more people like you.

Claire: I'm gonna heat up that rag. 

Claire heats up a rag and gets a bowl of hot water. the patient finishes eating. she wipes her down to cure her body aches the patient then proceeds to the shower. 

Claire: easy- easy Mara I don't want you to fall. 

mara: I got it. 

Claire: okay only 10-15 minutes, I'll be standing right here. 

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