Part 13

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Claire enters the patients room, he is asleep and unconscious, he is snoring. Claire grabs rubbing alcohol, gauzes, ointment, distilled water, suctions, and bandages to clean his wounds.

Claire- stops and stares at him while holding the items, she thinks to herself: should I wake him up? or should I wait here until he wakes up? But wait I can't be in here all day, what about my lunch break, and checking in on Mara. (*sigh*) I gotta do something.

the man wakes up and stares at Claire.

man- well hello honey, aren't you beautiful.

Claire- hello sir, my name is Claire. I'm going to be your assigned nurse from now on until we release you. I just need to clean your wounds and change your gown.

stranger stares at her and he says to Claire, "fair enough."

Claire walks over to him, she notices his appearance, high cheekbones, long jet black hair, fair skin, a scar on the side of his eye, tattooed sleeves on his arms, and a strong muscular body.

Claire- I'm going to start with taking off your old bandages, if it hurts let me know.. she rips off the first bandage on his side ,

the cut is vertical and is stitched up.

Claire- good just a little blood.

She takes a cotton swab and cleans his cut with alcohol. Claire looks up and notices him staring at her. He shows no signs of emotion, she says to him:

Claire: does it hurt?

"It feels good." He says.

Claire looks confused because of what he said but she continues to clean the rest of the wounds. Once she is done she looks up again and he's still staring at her. His black eyes pierced and fixated on her intensely.

"All done" Claire says

She raises from the bed and he grabs her arm

- "Where are you going?" He says

Claire- To run the shower and get your new gown, you need to change.

He lays back down and waits on her.

Come the shower is ready, I'll step out of the room while you undress. And I'll send doctor bronner in.

He stares at Claire again and starts breathing deeply.  She goes out of the room.

She closes the door and the man starts scratching his chest:

 "touch me, touch me again angel. Touch me.. touch me.. touch me.... Claire.. Claire.. Claire.."

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