Part 16

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Claire wakes up from another nightmare, in her dream she sees the man who tried to assault her. 

(she awakes)

Claire- this is the fourth night in a row that this has happened. I keep having these nightmares. Therapy isn't helping for me. That man is was so strong, I couldn't release myself from his grip. I thought that he was going to rape me or maybe even kill me.. I should've known better than to cure for that patient alone.  I don't know what I will do when I go back to work. He's been given to a male nurse now. 

Claire- I'm embarrassed to go back to work because everyone saw me freak out. Dr. Bronner tried to calm me down but he couldn't. I am so grateful that Dr. Bronner is patient with me. He is a really good boss and he is so understanding. 

Claire- That man looked at me so strange, like he needed me.. yearned for me.. his eyes were empty and full of despair. When he pinned me down I felt so afraid, the life almost left my body. I- I don't want to see him again. I hope I don't see him again.

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