Part 17: Back to work

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Claire- everything seems fine today, it feels so weird being back in this place. When I walked in I kept my head down and texted on my phone... I couldn't look at anyone. I kept my head down long enough until I reached the bathroom to cry one more time before starting the day. 

Dr Bronner- its nice to see you again Claire, I hope you are feeling much better. 

Claire- I'm fine Dr Bronner.. so what are the plans for today?

Dr Bronner: the same old. unfortunately you have been assigned the same patient. The man from jail.. BUT on the bright side you will have Jason with you... you will stand outside of the door and Jason will care for the patient.. You will bring Jason all of the items he needs for the patient. 

Claire- *swallows* o-okay.. I guess that's fine.

Dr Bronner- *touches her arm* He will be released in 2 days Claire.

Claire- that's good to hear. Okay- Ill get started 

Jason walks up to Claire: 

Jason- hey Claire ready to start?

Claire- yes

Jason enters the room and Claire stands outside of the door, pulsating thoughts of fear goes through Claires mind as she recalls what happened to her...

Claire- don't be long in there Jason!

Jason approaches chance, he has his shirt off and he is mumbling under his breath.

Chance- come back. come back. come back. come back to me please..Claire! is that you?! * he tries to make a run for the door but Jason catches him and lays him flat on the bed. 


Claire comes in the room and says:

"Jason don't hurt him."

Jason: Claire you know you shouldn't be in here, go back outside. 

Claire: I'm fine.. let me talk to him..

Jason: WHAT? after what he did to you?

Claire: I know what I'm doing Jason..

Jason: FINE but I will be right outside the door.. if I sense any funny business I won't hesitate to come in. 

Claire: Okay.

Jason leaves the room..

Chance stares at Claire..

Chance- I've missed you Claire.. I miss how you take care of me.. I am so sorry for what I did to you.. I've never met anyone like you before. 

how do I make you feel chance..

Chance- claire I need you. I- I can't take it. Do you know what its like to be locked up? Locked in a cell like an animal? Do you know what it's like to not be seen? to be treated like trash? the bottom of the barrel because you are an ex convict. And then when I see you.. you breathe life into me again. I haven't felt like this is 20 years Claire.. You see me. Don't leave me again. Do you understand me Claire.. and even when I get out of here I will find you.

Claire: Im going to send Jason back in now. 

Claire leaves the room and Jason renters. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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