Favorite Jonas Brother | 10

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Joe and I sat in a comfortable silence as we ate our bagels and drank our lattes. "Thank you again for keeping me company." He turned his head swallowing his bite before speaking. "I didn't want you to be alone." Goosebumps formed on my skin while butterflies occupied my stomach. Stop it Lex. He's just being nice. He doesn't like you. And you don't have time to date him. Joe pushed his hair out of his face and returned his eyes to me, smiling. "Plus I wanted to get to know you better. I'm aiming for favorite Jonas Brother in your book." I nodded and laughed at his joke. "Well, thank you. I appreciate it." The nurse knocked on the door to alert us that my dad was out of surgery. "He's still groggy. But he should be good in about an hour." We headed to his room, Joe asking me various questions about myself.
"Favorite color?"
"Favorite season?"
"Favorite sport?"
"Basketball. Do I get to ask you anything?"
"You can. After I am finished with my interview for you." He laughed. I can't tell you how many times I replayed the sound in my head.
"Joe, you're still here. Thanks for keeping Lex company." He looked at me and smiled. "No problem at all. Also, we never finished our cards game. I was just about to win." My dad seemed genuinely happy to have another guy around. He threw his glasses on and sat up. "Get them out, then." I took this opportunity to grab everyone a drink. When I went to head down to the cafeteria, I heard his voice. "Do you need help with anything?" His constant checking on me was not good for my heart strings. I mean, as if his handsomeness wasn't enough, he's genuinely kind too. "I've got it. Enjoy your cards."
I returned shortly with 3 strawberry banana smoothies in my hand and a little girl about 7 years old who was wearing a Jonas Brothers t-shirt with her mother. "Hope you don't mind. I met one of your biggest fans in the smoothie line." Joe smiled and kneeled down to hug the girl. "Are you kidding? I've been waiting to meet my biggest fan. It's such an honor." The way that he treated children made my heart swell. I found myself visibly grinning from ear to ear. To my surprise so did my dad. I changed the look on my face quickly and let Joe handle the interaction with his fans.
Joe was waiting in the hallway for me while I said goodbye to my dad for the day. I told him that he didn't have to but he insisted on giving us a moment alone.
"Tell that boy you like him." I jumped back and looked around. "I don't like Joe, dad." He squinted at me and readjusted in his bed. "Are you trying to lie to me or yourself?" I rolled my eyes and grabbed my bag. "I'm not lying dad. I don't like Joe. We are friends." He refused to believe anything I was saying so I left him with a goodbye hug and headed to meet Joe in the hallway.

"Ready to go?" I headed down the hallway making sure he was keeping up. He bumped into my side and connected his shoulder with mine. "Grab dinner with me? I mean, you and I both haven't eaten and dinner is very important." I pondered the idea mixed with my dads words. Even if I did like him, he doesn't like me. So there's no harm in going to dinner right?

"Sure. Sounds great. Oh, and by the way, you were always my favorite Jonas Brother."

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