Belgian Waffles & Omelettes | 13

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It had been a few days and I was no longer helping my dad full time. He left the hospital and I was free to... do nothing. It gave me a sense of purpose. I know I have my gallery but between you and me, I enjoyed keeping busy. Now I spend most nights on FaceTime with Brooke, pining over the fact that Joe Jonas didn't pick me. How pathetic.

"I don't even know why I'm sad. I knew he didn't like me."

"He let you stay with him!"

"Brooke, I was exhausted. He didn't want me to drive home like that. He's a nice human, not in love with me."

My sister sighed through the FaceTime call as we both finished doing our makeup for the day. "I'm sorry, Lex..."

I shrugged and threw my hair up in a bun. "What do you think Liz looks like?" I frowned and hugged my knees.

"Ugly. For sure. We hate Liz."

"UGH! And to think I was starting to like him. Why would I do that? I'm so dumb."

*Incoming FaceTime*

"Hold on. Joe is actually calling me."


I sighed and hit the green answer button.

"Hi, Lex! I haven't heard from you in a few days. Are you okay?"

I nodded and threw my glasses on. "Hey, Joe. I'm good. How are you?"

"I'm good! I was wondering if you wanted to grab some brunch? Say.... In about an hour?"

His smile grew on the screen. It was taking everything in me to not fall harder for him. I mean, he doesn't like me. I need to get that through my head and tell him no right now or I will be even more hurt. But yet, I couldn't resist.

"Sure. Where do you want to meet?"

"The diner by the hospital?"

"Sounds good. I'll see you soon."

I slid into a booth, waiting for Joe. The waitress placed a water in front of me and smiled. "Just you today?" I threw the straw in the glass and shook my head. "No, I'm waiting for someone."

"Hopefully you're talking about me."
Joe flashed his signature smirk and slid into the booth next to me.

Joe had the ability to sit across from me and yet, here he was, mere inches away, filling my nostrils with his cologne. "I was actually talking about someone else, but you're welcome to join us." I smiled and reverted my eyes to the waitress who was handing Joe his complimentary cup of water.

"Can I get you two started with something else to drink?"

I looked at Joe patiently waiting for him to answer first. "Can I just get a latte?"

"And for you miss?"

"Can I have a glass of apple juice?"

She left us with our drink selections and a various amount of thoughts.

"Thank you for coming. If I'm being honest, I missed your company."

Joe missed my company? Why? Because I distracted him from the loneliness of not seeing Liz? Gross.

"Are you guys ready to order?"

Joe nodded and I followed suit.

He closed the menu and smiled. "Can I have the florentine omelette? With toast on the side."

I subconsciously smiled at his voice and had to shake myself out of my day dreaming state. "I will have the Belgian waffle please."

Our food had arrived not too long after and I found myself grateful I said yes to him eventhough he doesn't like me.

"Lex, I like you."

What did he just say? There's no way. I was too stunned to even mutter up a response. My eyes caught his once again and I was stuck in this limbo.

"Your dad is doing great and you said that he was your main focus. But now, your dad is out of the hospital and you're not taking care of him. Can I take you on that date I asked about?"

Half of my heart was excited that I had gotten the opportunity to finally say yes. The other half was upset that he really thought he could play me and Liz at the same time. I mean who did he think he was?

"Joe... can I ask you something?"

Suddenly his attention was all on me. His eyes melting my skin and making my heart skip a beat. I forgot I was ever upset. "You can ask me anything you want."

My nerves were causing me to wish I never asked that. But, go big or go home. It's time to know the truth.

"....Who is Liz?"

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