Dancing in the Kitchen | 8

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Nick turned on some music to set the party tone. His taste in songs are impeccable. About 4 in, a slower song played through the speakers. "Let's dance." Kevin grabbed Dani's hand, Nick and Priyanka following suit. Feeling nervous, I grabbed a glass of water from the kitchen, taking a sip and trying to calm my brain. "You look beautiful tonight." He said it low, humming the song that was playing almost immediately after so it was hard to even capture. "Thank you, Joe. You're quite handsome yourself." The space between us shrunk a little bit. "Don't like dancing?" I sat the glass on the counter and looked at my feet. "If I'm being honest, I've never properly slow danced with someone. I don't really know how." He smiled and closed the space between us completely. "Care to learn?" His hand was waiting for mine. I gently connected our palms, his other hand resting on the small of my back, mine on his chest. "Let's take it slow. Sway to the left, then to the right." I did as he said, watching our feet. "Good. One more time, and then we will spin." I kept my eyes on our feet and nodded. His hand moved from my back to my chin, forcing my eyes to meet with his. "You're focusing too much on getting it right. Feel the music. Let me guide you." My tense body loosened at his words and I began to move more fluently with him. His hand slid to the side of my face, giving his thumb the ability to rub cirlces on my cheek. "Perfect." I heard the song end, but my heart played a rhythm I wasn't finishing dancing to. "Thank you for teaching me." He spun me, separating us for good but keeping our hands together. "Thank you for the dance." My body was left with goosebumps, afraid to break eye contact.
Hours had passed since my intimate moment with Joe. Nothing had indicated that it had happened, and everyone was growing more and more tired. "I'm gonna head home." I grabbed my purse and stood up. I said my goodbyes to everyone, purposely making Joe the last one. "I'll walk you to your car." He held the door open for me as I walked towards the driveway. "Thank you again for teaching me how to dance." His laugh was something I hoped I'd never forget. "Thank you for letting me teach you." I went to open my door as Joe pushed in front of me. "Let me get that for you." "Thank you." Before I could hop in, Joe spoke up. "Lex, could I possibly take you on a date sometime?"

* a baby chapter. It will get better. I promise.*

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