Masks | 19

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Joe's POV:

Jarad? Who the hell is Jarad and why is he talking to Lex?

I wanted to stop looking at the message but my body wouldn't let me. My mind ran a thousand miles per minute, trying to keep my cool. I mean Lex is not my girlfriend. And she can do anything she wants with whoever she wants. But if that's true, why do I feel so sick?

"Joe!! You good? What are you doing?" I sighed, placing her phone down and returned to Nick and Kevin. "Do you guys think we can move our studio session to the beginning of the week? I have something to do at the end of the week." Kevin looked at Nick who had a confused face on. They had a silent conversation with their eyes before Kevin opened his mouth. "Sure, bro. Whatever works for you."

I was grateful they didn't ask me why because then I would have to tell them that I saw Lex's phone and I need to stop whatever it is he's planning. "Okay, Kev. I'm recording. Start the melody again."

We finished harmonizing a random melody and all laid in our respective beds. Fortunately, Lex's bed was in the same room as mine. I watched the bathroom door intently, hoping not to miss one second of Lex.

She came out of the bathroom drying her hair. Her pajama set was silky yet reserved. My heart fell to my stomach. What if Jarad gets to see her like this in a few days? That cannot happen. Her smile was brighter than the sun when she held her hand out to me. "Wanna do a face mask with me? Normally I'd ask Brooke but she's not here." She doesn't know it but I would literally follow her to the end of the earth if she asked. "Yeah, let's do it."

She pulled me into a chair and lathered the mint green cream onto my forehead and cheeks. "You're so.... Pretty. You really don't need this face mask so thank you for indulging and doing it anyway." Her closeness sent fire through my body as I took the tube from her. "Can I do yours?" I needed an excuse to be able to be closer to her or I was going to combust. "Of course!" Her soft brown eyes made me feel like jelly. I rubbed the cream slowly onto her forehead, afraid that this moment would be over too soon. "Can I ask you something?" Her eyes fluttered as she looked up at me, waiting for my question. I have to be direct. There's no other way to do this. "Who is Jarad?"

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