The Last Two Uchiha

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Naruto took in the scenery of the village. The buildings huddled together and trees spread out all over. At the heart of the brimming village, the hokage's monument and office stood.

Four faces were carved into the rock, they looked over the village almost as guardian angels watching over and protecting the village.
The stone monument stood as a way to acknowledge the predecessors of the current hokage.

Naruto points to the monument and then the office of the hokage, and promised himself to achieve the title of hokage.

'Watch out world, Naruto Uchiha is here!' yelled the young child.

He ran across the roof tops, jumping, summersaulting and flipping to make his way over to the academy. Finally, he arrived and entered the academy's building. He quickly scanned the layout of the classroom, looking for his best friend, Uchiha Sasuke. They had become friends when they were younger and often trained together.

Although they were not related by blood, they saw each other as a brother and cared for each other dearly. They had to after all, They were the last of the Uchiha.

Years earlier, a horrible incident had occurred. The mass genocide of the Uchiha clan. Done by none other than brother of Sasuke, one of the leaf villages most prodigious ninja, Uchiha Itachi.

- 6 years earlier, on the day of the Uchiha genocide


'Sasuke, I'm really hungry' said Naruto. 'I can't wait to eat some of your mum's cooking' he added.

Naruto had been adopted into Sasuke's family as Sasuke's mother, Mikoto Uchiha, was best friends with Naruto mother.

'Geez, you're always hungry' Sasuke said with a grin.

'Well, of course I'm hungry, after all that fireball jutsu training. I feel like I'm about to collapse' he said, smiling back.

Although as they got back to the Uchiha compound, they knew something was off. It was quite, too quite. As the walk home, the horrors began to unravel as it was evident there had been some sort of fight. Blood flowed into the streets as the bodies of the many men and women had been littered everywhere.

Naruto and Sasuke exchanged glances and began to run home, in the hope of finding their parents. They ran and ran and ran, finally getting home and clambering hoping to get there in time. But almost as if they knew, it was too late.

Their parents were dead. Standing over them was Sasuke's older brother, Itachi. His attire and sword stained in blood. His face splattered in the viscous fluid, his eyes glowed in dark, a dark and ominous red.

'Itachi', Sasuke managed to get out, 'Why'. He had began to sob, tears flowing from his eyes.

Naruto was frozen in shock, he was also crying. Also afraid, pondering why, someone he considered his older brother, would do such a thing. Although, he knew they were not related by blood. This was the only family he knew, the only ones who cared for him and showed him love. Now, the were gone and the realisation of this dawned on him. His eyes went from the normal blue to a dark crimson red, a pinwheel of sorts was now present in his iris, one tomoe present in each. He had awakened the sharingan. He stared at Sasuke who too had awakened his sharingan and the both rushed at Itachi. However in one swift blow, they were down. Saliva dripping from their mouths. They were unconscious and before they knew it, the woke up in the hospitals. They knew it was not a dream, it was too real, too vivid. Once more Naruto was orphaned, however, this time not on his own. He now had a brother with him.

And together, the would survive, never give up and achieve their dreams together.

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