Enter: Tazuna

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'Hey, Lord 3rd' Kakashi asked silently 'Can you give my team a bit of challenging mission?'

'Hmm? You want a challenging mission, what's gotten into you. You're normally laid back.' The 3rd Hokage enquired.

'I know, it's just that, my team is quite skilled and they need a challenge.' He replied.

'Alright, I got a C-ranked mission from the land of waves. All your team has to do is escort a bridge builder named Tazuna back to his home in the land of waves. It is a simple mission.' Lord 3rd told him this while handing over an information leaflet to Kakashi.

'Ok, we leave tomorrow if that's okay?' Kakashi asked.

'Alright' Hiruzen replied.

'Thank you Lord 3rd'

And with that Kakashi exited his office. His gathered the 3 genin together and explained the mission.

'Tomorrow, you go on your first mission out of the village. We will be escorting a bridge builder called Tazuna back to his home in the Land Of Waves. It is south of the land of fire. All we have to do is ensure his safe voyage and protect him from any robbers or road side thieves.' Kakashi said looking at his team.

'Where do we meet?' Sasuke asked.

'At the village gates at 8am sharp. I promise to be on time, after all, this a team mission' stated Kakashi.

'Yes! Our first real mission. I hope it's awesome!' Naruto yelled.

'Kakashi sensei, what do we need' asked Sakura.

'Some food, a first aid kit, your ninja tools like: Kunai, shuriken or scrolls.' Said Kakashi.

'Just make sure you well rested! It will be a long journey.' He finished and then disappeared.

Naruto couldn't contain his excitement. He had been practicing loads of jutsu and training with his sharingan and his sword. He was going to do amazingly he hoped.

The next morning was a rush, Naruto woke up at 6am, his bags were packed from the night before so all he did was brush, shower and make some ramen for breakfast.

'You excited?' Naruto asked Sasuke

'Not really, but it will make me stronger.' Sasuke replied eating his toast.

'Just be careful, don't do anything dumb. You're the only real brother I got after all.' Sasuke said finishing his toast.

'Don't worry about me. I can handle myself.' Naruto replied

By 8am sharp everyone was there. Kakashi was on time for once.

Their client was an old man, looked like he was in his 50's or 60's. He was dark skinned, had grey hair and goatee to match. On his nose laid spectacles with thin handles. He smelled of booze.

'Everyone ready?' Kakashi asked.

'Yep!' Naruto beams.

'How are you kids meant to protect me?' He said, almost in a drunken state.

'You will be fine, they may not look like it. But they are really strong.' Kakashi said.

With that they were off. They walked for a while and by around 1pm they came across a dry path with a puddle. Sasuke and Kakashi noticed it instantly, although Naruto, Sakura and Tazuna were oblivious.

All of a sudden, two men jumped from the bushes on either side of them. With a metal claw on one of their hands, the charged at the group. They used their chains to cut Kakashi in half, shocking the genin. Naruto activated his sharingan and working together with Sasuke, easily took down the demon brothers.

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