One V One: Part Two

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3......2.....1..... GO! The referee called.

Sasuke threw some kunai at his opponent, trying to see if he can get a glimpse at his abilities. However, Yoroi dodge them with ease and then rushed at Sasuke, his hands beginning to become enveloped in a blue aura, similar to chakra. He then grabbed Sasuke, placing his hands on him. Sasuke began to feel weaker and fainter. He came to the assumption his chakra was being drained, however he mananged to escape his grasp and kept his distance.

'What do I do? I can't use my jutsu and I can't come close recklessly or I am finished.' he wondered as he weaved his opponent's attacks.


'I can't fail. I need to kill Itachi, I refuse to lose' he screamed in his head.

Sasuke pulled out two kunai. He began to run at Yoroi, making sure to avoid his hands so he does not get his chakra seeped out of him again. He used his kunai as a sort deterrant to keep Yoroi's hands away. When he finally got close enough, he swept the mysterious shinobi of his feet, before kicking him hard in the side, sending him rising. Sasuke then jumps high, stabbing his kunai straight into the arms of Yoroi.

'There is your power gone' Sasuke thought to himself. He then performed an acrobatic flip mid-air before slamming his heel into the stomach of the shinobi and from the look of it, hard enough to cause him to cough up blood.

Sasuke, did not take any chances and began to rush at the shinobi once more, but before you could, a jonin jumped between him, pushing him back.

'Calm down. You won, no need to kill him' the jonin called out.

'GOOD JOB SASUKE!' Naruto yelled almost jumping down from the balcony to celebrate with Sasuke, before Kakashi held him back telling Naruto to calm down.

Sasuke was too tired to move, and before you knew it had collasped.

Kakashi jumped down to check on Sasuke. 'Looks like its time to seal this curse mark, before it is to late.' Kakashi thought to himself. Kakashi grabbed Sasuke and disappeared. Naruto wanted to go after him, but Sakura stopped him telling him to trust Kakashi, and that it might be his turn soon. Naruto decided to just stay there and leave the situation to Kakashi instead.

The next fight was Shikamaru vs Ten Ten. Naruto was cheering Shikamru on, but he guessed Shikamaru did not really need it. It was one sided battle, with Shikamaru easily strategizing the best possible way to defeat Ten Ten, distracting her while using his shadows to catch her before making her hit her head on a wall behind her.

Afterwards was Gaara vs one of the kunoichi from Dosu's team, the boy Sasuke had killed in cold blood. It made Naruto nauseous just thinking about it but he kept it together. It wasn't even a battle. Gaara had won before the timer had hit 1 minute. He manipulated sand from a gourd strapped to his back and used that to break the legs of the girl, leaving her completely helpless.

Then, after almost 40 minutes of waiting, it was Naruto's turn. He was excited yet nervous. He didn't want to get knocked out at this stage, but he was excited to show off his skills to everyone. Maybe even impressing the third hokage, increasing his chances of becoming hokage himself. Naruto jumped of the balcony, preparing himself. He didn't have a lot of chakra and he knew he could not afford to waste any of the chakra he did have, so although he enjoyed performing his handseals and jutsus he could only perform it a number of times in this fight.

He looked at Temari, studying her trying to see if he could get any information from her just from her looks. He spotted the fan on her back and assumed it was her weapon and to stay clear of it.

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