The Forest Of Death

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The forest seemed like a normal, everyday green biome. Streams flowed, seperating and joining, as the birds took from their nests in search of food.

Team 7 jumped from branch to branch and from tree to tree.

'So, what are we going to do?' Naruto asked, wondering how they were going to find another team to get a different scroll.

'We don't really know any sensory jutsus do we?', Sakura chimed in.

As Naruto thought, he remembered what Kakashi had told him while they were training.

'Hey! Kakashi Sensei told me that when a shadow clone is dispelled, or like die, any of the information they get comes back to me; If I create lots of shadow clones and send them around , eventually I am sure they would find another team...', Naruto recalled, pretty happy with himself for what he remembered.

'Jeez, you actually are smart when we need you', Sasuke joked.

Naruto made a cross with his fingers.

'Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu!'

Naruto formed 11 clones which spread around, each going in different directions.

'Alright, that should do', said Naruto.

The team searched for other teams as they waited for a potential shadow clone to be dispelled.

'Guys! Wait!', said Naruto coming to a halt.

The whole team grinded to a stop.

'What! Did you find another team?', Sakura asked.

'No. I need to pee.', Naruto replied a bit embarrassed.

'Are you serious right now. Why didn't you go before hand?', Sasuke questioned.

Naruto didn't have the time to answer and jumped down the tree before going to pee.

Naruto came back quickly.
'Alright, let's go!', he called.

'No. I'm not stupid. Why don't you stop impersonating my brother.', Sasuke called out to the imposter.

'How did you know who I was?', the figure asked after cancelling his transformation jutsu.

'Naruto goes quite some distance, when using the toilet cause he is shy about that sort of stuff...', Sasuke replied. 'Anyways enough talk, your from another team and we need another scroll.'

Sasuke rushed the opponent shinobi with Sakura giving him some cover using a plethora of shuriken.

Snake Ram Monkey Boar Horse Tiger Dragon Ox Dog Tiger

'Fire Release: Flame bullet!' yelled Sasuke

A massive fire ball is launched at the imposter, the imposter seemingly injured by the giant fireball. When Naruto came back, Sasuke scolds him for his goofy behavior. He then gives his team a lengthy password. Naruto couldn't remember so short a password in such short notice however. But before he had time to memorize it, they are seperated once more.

Sasuke finds Sakura with ease, she easily remembers the password. Naruto locates them once more, also reciting the password completely, however, he gets punched by Sasuke.

'Sasuke, WHY DID YOU DO THAT!', Sakura yelled.

'That's not Naruto' said Sasuke. 'Naruto did not memorize the password. Remember?'

The Shinobi de-transforms into a tall, lady with the features of a snake. Sasuke couldn't quite but his hands on how he felt about this person. The woman had an earth scroll, while team 7 had a heaven scroll.

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