A sword buried by blood

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Sasuke's screams continued to echo throughout the forest and eventually he fell limb and collapsed to the ground. Naruto picked up his brother frantically and carefully carried him on his back. Naruto wanted to collapse in distress but he knew he couldn't, Sasuke needed him right now. Plus there was one more person from their trio missing...Sakura.

Naruto sent out a 3 shadow clones to assist him in finding his teammate while he took care of his brother. A clone had found Sakura carrying her limb body in his arms. Naruto was worried, this was not a good situation to be in, 2 out of his three teammates were unconscious and the loud sound and bright explosion of the previous battle was certain to draw attention to his location. He knew he had to act fast if he had any hopes of saving his team from certain death.

With the help of his shadow clones, Naruto had moved his team to a more secluded location. The massive tree served as good cover from enemies' sight lines and nearby was a river, flowing with fresh water and teeming with life.

'All right, it is up to me to keep my team alive' the black haired boy said as he changed the wet cloth on his brother head to a different ,and more importantly, colder one doing the same for Sakura. 'Don't die on me Sasuke' he said looking at his brother who was wheezing and gasping for air.

Sakura was awake within a couple hours and assisted Naruto in taking care of Sasuke, who at this point was still unconscious.

All of a sudden she began to cry, 'I am so useless' she sobbed.

'While you and sasuke risked your lives to fight that strange guy, all I could do was watch and cry' she said, obviously hurt by her statement. However, she knew it was true.

'Sakura, don't worry about it. Everyone has low points, this was just one of them... If you keep working as hard as you do I am sure you will improve' he said giving her a beaming smile.

The pink haired girl was lost for words. She had never been encouraged in such a way.

'Thank you, Naruto' she finally managed to get out.

A figure rustled in the bush. Naruto noticed but pretended not to take notice.

All of a sudden a kunai lept out of the bushes, aimed for Sasuke. Naruto, with his sharingan activated, easily blocked the kunai using his kunai.

'Who are you!' Naruto yelled.

Three silhouette jumped out of the bush, they were another team and by the looks from their headbands were in the same village as the weird snake person that had attacked them before. The one who had injured Sasuke.

The head of the formation was a boy, a little older than Naruto himself, but had an ominous appearance to him. He was bandaged over his face with only one eye visible, he wore a woolen jacket with long sleeves completely concealing his hands. Naruto knew he had to be careful, with Sasuke down, and him not know anything about his opponents, he didn't want to do anything rash.

'My name is Dosu' the boy said in dry tone. 'I'm here to kill that Sasuke kid, hand him over quietly and we might spare you guys...'

'Forget it. You are not going to lay a single hand on my brother, got it.' Naruto said coldly. He was done playing games with these guys, Sasuke was in a bad enough state already. He wasn't about to let them hurt his brother even more. He looked to Sakura, who was prepared to assist Naruto in the battle. 'Take Sasuke and go, I will deal with these guys' he said, as he redirected his focus on the enemies ahead of him.

'No! I am done running away...' she replied, adjusting her head band and then pulling out a kunai. 'Use one of your clones to do it.'

Naruto knew he wasn't convincing her and did as she had instructed.

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