A battle on the roof

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Naruto ran into Sasuke's hospital room pulling Tsunade along. Sakura was in the room, just sitting watching over Sasuke.

'This is Sasuke. Please. Please heal him.' Naruto said melancholily.

Tsunade, although only knowing Naruto for a short while, knew Naruto for a happy, go lucky child but know he look desperate and saddened.

Tsunade moved towards Sasuke placing her hand on his forehead, a green aura emitting from her hand.

Sasuke lurched into a sat up position and began to look around confused. 'Where am I?' He called out.

'Your home...' Naruto replied smiling at his brother.

Sasuke did not look happy, not in the slightest.

Might guy ran into the room, collecting Tsunade to help heal Lee.

Sasuke began to speak, 'Naruto...'

'Yes Sasuke' Naruto replied.

'Fight me.' Sasuke said, bluntly getting out of the hospital bed.

Naruto was stunned at the question to the point he could not reply.

'Did you not hear me? Fight me!' Sasuke repeated.

'Calm down Sasuke. I don't think your mind is fully healed yet.' Naruto said trying to guide Sasuke back to his bed, but he was quickly knocked back.

'Sasuke, what is wrong with you?!' Sakura called out.

Sasuke just looked back to Naruto,'I need to know where I stand in the power of our team, so I will repeat myself once more. Fight me!'

'I don't understand...' Naruto replied.

'Don't play dumb with me! You think you can patronise me, you think you're so great now?! You get stronger, and stronger, and stronger. Itachi even cared more about you more than me!' Sasuke yelled.

This hit a nerve with Naruto, 'Why wouldn't he? We are from the same family!'

'No, we are not. I am related by blood, you're just some add-on to MY family.' Sasuke said.

'You wanted a fight, you got one.' Naruto said. He truly couldn't believe Sasuke had said that. He truly didn't wish to fight his brother but he was too angry to keep calm anymore.

The two Uchiha climbed to the rooftop of the hospital and got ready for their battle.

'Sasuke. I don't know what is wrong with you but I am going to slap some sense into you...' Naruto said, tying his head band on.

'Just try, in fact I don't even need my head band, that's how confident I am...' Sasuke said.

Naruto did not bother replying, Sakura had already ran off somewhere.

Sasuke pulled out his sai from his back pocket while Naruto pulled out his sword from its sheath.

The two then charged at each other. Naruto swung his blade, as Sasuke's raised his sai to block it. A series of clangs could be heard as strike after strike connected. Naruto jumped going for a kick to Sasuke's head, as Sasuke raised his arm to block the incoming kick. He raised his arm pushing Naruto off and weaved hand seals as Naruto backflipped off him.  

Snake -> Ram -> Monkey -> Boar -> Horse -> Tiger

Fire Style: Fire Ball

A stream of fire flew towards Naruto.

Naruto crossed his fingers forming a shadow clone which he jumped off of to get away from the blazing inferno coming his way.

Naruto and Sasuke then activated their sharingan hoping to get the better of each other.

They both dashed at each other.

Naruto used his sole to kick Sasuke up by the chin. He then jumped kicking Sasuke in the side, sending him even higher.

Sasuke saw the next incoming movements dodging them while trying to counter them. Naruto also using his sharingan also saw him dodging his moves and saw Sasuke's future movements as well dodging them aswell. However, do to the sheer number of attacks some where un-dodge able and some attacks did make connections.

They both connected punches which sent them back a bit.

'Naruto, I am done with these games...' Sasuke called.

His hand ignited violently with electricity.

'I am done with this fight...' Sasuke yelled.

He began to run at Naruto, Naruto himself held a rasengan in his hand charging straight back.

Naruto threw a smoke bomb at the ground causing Sasuke to jump backwards. Naruto then threw two kunai, which Sasuke blocked using his sai causing them to fall to his feet.

Naruto with his rasengan continued to run at Sasuke who had his chidori activated and ran at Naruto. As they ran, Sasuke felt an extremely sharp thud on his neck and he fell unconscious.

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